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Dissimilar Spot Resistance Welding Between Commercially Pure Titanium and Austenitic Stainless Steel (With and Without Nickel Interlayer)
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Kokabi, Amir Hossein (Supervisor) ; Ekrami, Ali Akbar (Supervisor)
In this project, dissimilar spot resistance welding between commercially pure titanium and austenitic stainless steel with 1.5 mm thickness was studied. Titanium has high resistance against corrosion, Therefore because of its thriving utilization in strategic industries; researchers became interested in usage of titanium with other metals that have more appropriate prices in different industries. Applying titanium on stainless steel pipes and storage tanks in petrochemical and nuclear industries is one of these fields. Hence various methods were examined for joining these two metals. The welding process of titanium and stainless steel has its complications as a result of brittle intermetalic...
Semisolid Stir Joining of AZ91 Magnesium alloy
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Aashuri, Hosseini (Supervisor)
AZ91 is the most applicable alloy of magnesium alloys.Semisolid stir welding of AZ91 magnesium alloy was investigated due to its welding problem such oxide formation, hot cracking in weld metal, and high residual stress through solidification with special focus on the effect of the welding temperatures, stirring rates, and tool shape. The interlayer with thickness of 2mm was located between two AZ91 pieces with 7.5mm thickness. Then, they were heated to the desired temperatures (515C, 530C and 540C), the semisolid temperature of both base metal and interlayer. A grooved stirrer with six rotational speeds from 0rpm to 2000rpm was introduced into the stir weld seam and the welded coupons...
The Effect of Interlayer Composition on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Transient Liquid Phase Bonded Dual Phase Steels
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Ekrami, Ali Akbar (Supervisor)
Interlayer composition as one of the most important factors of TLP bonding could affect bonding region composition and microstructure that both of them govern the mechanical properties of the joint. Due to the risk of substrate microstructure degradation , welding of dual phase steel needs more cautions. TLP bonding ideally acquires joints having more similar microstructure to substrate. Moreover , using this method could avoid the change of base metal microstructure when heat treatment of carbon steel is postponed until after bonding. Fe-based , Ni-based and commercially pure Cu are three different composition has been studied in this work. The bonded samples were investigated by optic and...
The Effect of Interlayer Thickness on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of TLP Bonding on Dual Phase Steel
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Ekrami, Ali Akbar (Supervisor)
In this study, the effect of the Cu interlayer thickness was studied on St52 steel. Specimens with different thickness of the interlayer, were subjected to 1150 °C at different times. Isothermal solidification was completed for the thickness of the 50 μm, 30 μm, and 10 μm in 30, 25 and 20 minutes. Afterwards, homogenizing and dual-phase heat treatment were used for 75 minutes at 730°C. Optical microscopy and SEM were used to analyze the microstructure of the joints. Mechanical properties of the joints, including micro hardness of different parts of the joint and also shear strength of the joint zone were studied. The results show that after homogenizing treatment, microstructure and harness...
Microstructure-mechanical Properties Relationship of Transient Liquid Phase Bonded 304 Stainless Steel With a Co-based Interlayer
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Ekrami, Ali Akbar (Supervisor)
Stainless steels have many applications in different industries like chemistry, medicine and food production. So for using these alloys it is necessary to join them with appropriate method. In this research, microstructure-mechanical properties relationship of 304LC austenitic stainless steel transient liquid phase bonded using a Co-based interlayer was investigated. For this purpose, bonding was conducted at 1180 ℃ for different holding times. Microstructure of the joints was evaluated by optical microscopy (OM) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The results showed that isothermal solidification (IS) was completed within 1800s and no intermetallic compound was formed in the joint area...
Semisolid Stir Joining of AZ91 Alloy to A356 Alloy
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Ashuri, Hossein (Supervisor)
Today, Mg and Al as the widely used metals, make a special contribution to automotive, electronics and aerospace industries. Increasing the application of alloys of these metals, has extended the demand for reliable joint between alloys of these two metals. The main problem with the dissimilar joining of A356 alloy and AZ91 alloy is hard and brittle intermetallic compounds formation such as Mg17Al12 and Mg2Si which brings about welding strength reduction. By far, a large number of researches about dissimilar joining of AZ91 alloy and A356 alloy in semi-solid condition have not accomplished. In this method two fragments, one from AZ91 alloy and another from A356 alloy among which was a 2...
Reliability Improvement of the High Voltage Power Supply Based on Interleaved Inverters
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Kaboli, Shahriyar (Supervisor)
In some high voltage applications it is necessary for high voltage power supply (HVPS) to operate over a wide load and gain range. For instance a HVPS may be used to supply various microwave tubes. Our goal in this thesis is to design a HVPS which can provide a DC voltage between 0-15 KV and 0-5 KW. In convetional approaches, operating over wide load and gain range necessitates the switching frequency or duty cycle to swing over a wide range. This approach may disturb soft switching, consequently switching loss will increase. The control process will be more complex too. the wide swing range of switching frequency means that the HVPS needs to operate with low switching frequency too....
Improving the Failure Behavior of High Strength and High Hardenable Steels Resistance Spot Welds
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Pouranvari, Majid (Supervisor)
Selecting materials is a key stage for designing vehicles. Today, advanced high-strength steels and stainless steels are attractive by the automotive industry. In this study, the improvement of mechanical properties of the martensitic stainless steels (MSS420 with annealed condition) and advanced high strength martensitic steels (MS1400 with quenched condition), which have a different response to mechanical tests, were investigated. The welding of MSS420 steel was carried out in three phases. In the first phase, the MSS420 double pulse welding with variable second pulse times (0.2s-1.8s) with a constant secondary pulse current of 4 kA and in the second phase a double pulse welding with...
Resistance Spot Welding of 5xxx Aluminum Alloy to Aluminum Clad Steel Sheet
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Movahedi, Mojtaba (Supervisor)
Due to the growing trends in application of aluminum alloys for automotive body production, the need for development of successful dissimilar joints between steels and aluminum alloys is growing too. The main process for joining these metals in automotive industry is resistance spot welding (RSW). However, there are some challenges in RSW of the aluminum to steel such as different physical properties of two metals, formation of brittle Al/Fe intermetallic compounds (IMCs) and presence of porosities at the weld interface which adversely affect the weld properties. In order to overcome these limitations, several methods have been proposed. Al interlayer is one of these methods. The use of the...
Investigation on Interfacial Reactions in Aluminium to Copper Resistance Spot Welding
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Pouranvari, Majid (Supervisor)
With the development of electrical engineering and the electrical industry, the use of copper and its alloys has grown tremendously. On the other hand, with development and modern industry, it will be difficult to meet the requirements such as high performance, cost reduction and weight reduction of the structure if only one metal material is used in the production of the desired component or structure. Aluminum can be used in combination with copper because of its properties such as high thermal and electrical conductivity. Al/Cu bonding is used in industries such as microelectronics, automobiles and batteries. This study has investigated parametrically the feasibility of uneven bonding of...
Effect of Interlayer Prepared by Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation in Joint of Ti6Al4V and Al6061-t6 by Friction Stir Welding
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Ghorbani, Mohammad (Supervisor)
Connecting titanium and aluminum alloys is widely used in different industries such as transportation, chemical, aircraft manufacturing, etc. Friction stir welding is one of the methods of joining these two metals. In order to obtain a sound joint, the formation of intermetallic phases in the interface must be controlled. One of the ways to control these phases is the use of an interlayer, which in this research is the interlayer applied by plasma electrolytic oxidation method with different current densities and coating times. In this regards, first the optimal parameters of friction stir welding were determined. Then, Ti6Al4V and Al6061-t6 welding was performed in the presence of...