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    Woman-Headed Household and Household Welfare An Emprical Study for Iran

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Khoram, Azar (Author) ; Suri, Davood (Supervisor)
    This research aimed to investigate the relationship between household poverty and the gender of the head in the Iranian households. The self-reported gender of the head of household (FHH), underestimates the rate of poverty in female- head households (FHH). The self-reported gender of the head of household considers, conventionally, a family as male-head, even if the man of the family is incapable of making money. In much of these families the wife is the sole income holder even though she is not recognized as the head. In this study, a definition for household headship is introduced, which considers head of household the one who provides more than 50% of household income. Using household’s... 

    Mobile(SMS) Advertising Value Chain, With a Focus on Factors Affecting Subscribers Acceptance of SMS Advertising in Iran

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Ahmadi, Saeedeh (Author) ; Kermanshah, Ali (Supervisor)
    Mobile technology has become Ubiquitous and common in all over the world from the first years of 21st century. Mobile has been used as a strong media in marketing and specifically in advertising due to it’s unique features and various functions. Currently (2008) mobile media is not used very aggressively in Iran. Considering the quick expansions of mobile networks in Iran and growth of subscribers, it is anticipated that Mobile will affect many businesses and consumer market very soon in Iran. This study is the first academic research in the country on Mobile advertising via SMS. The purpose of this thesis is to provide the better understanding of the Mobile advertising via SMS in high... 

    Measuring a Bank's BI Readiness

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Aliakbarian, Amin (Author) ; Kermanshah, Ali (Supervisor)
    Business Intelligence (BI) became a new trend in IT applications and the organization's request for it, has notably increased. BI helps organization for better decision making. It means appropriate and correct information for appropriate person at the suitable time and in the suitable format. The key point is that only buying a BI Application doesn't mean a successful BI Implementation. The organizations should know their needs and prerequisites for implementing these applications. Strategic alignment, information usage culture and technical readiness are a bit of these prerequisites. Banks are one of the industries that use IT as a heart in their business. Some of these banks create... 

    Development of a Pavement Management Software Package for Iran

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Saliminejad, Siamak (Author) ; Tabatabaee, Nader (Supervisor)
    A pavement management system (PMS) is a set of tools that aid the decision makers in finding optimum strategies for maintaining pavements in a serviceable condition over a given period of time. A frame work for pavement management system for Iran was proposed by Tabatabaee et al. with the support of Transportation Research Institute of Ministry of Road and Transportation. In the proposed frame work, two horizons of development, short and long term, have been envisaged for more rapid and efficient utilization of the system within the technical and administrative divisions of the Ministry. This thesis describes the software package developed based on the proposed frame work for the... 

    Development of a Model to Investigate Energy Production Potential from Sea Applying GIS Technique

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Rahimi, Rahman (Author) ; Abbaspour, Majid (Supervisor)
    The growing requirements for renewable energy production lead to the development of a new series of systems, including wave and tidal energy conversion systems. Due to their sensitivity and the impact of the aggressive marine environment, the selection of the most adequate location for these systems is a major and very important task. Several factors, such as technological limitations, environmental conditions, administrative and logistic conditions, have to be taken into account in order to support the decision for best location. The aim of the present study is to provide an Atlas of IRAN Offshore Renewable Energy Resources (hereafter called ‘the Atlas’) to map out wave and tidal resources... 

    Study of the Current Status and Future Perspective of E-Commerce in IRAN

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Ghahramani, Abdolreza (Author) ; Moayedi, Vafa (Supervisor)
    The main purpose of my research is to present a predictive E-Commerce plan for Iran. For many people the term "electronic commerce" means shopping on the part of the Internet called the World Wide Web, but other technologies such as wireless transmissions on mobile telephone and personal digital assistant devices are also included. In our thesis the term Electronic Commerce or (E-Commerce) is used in its broadest sense, and includes all business activities conducted using electronic data transmission technologies. In Iran e-commerce has achieved an important role and is facing remarkable acceptance in trade operations, therefore my study focuses on the development of E-Commerce model in... 

    The Productivity Effects of Privatization: The Islamic Republic of Iran

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Hosseini Boroujeni, Zeinab (Author) ; Manzoor, Davood (Supervisor)
    One of the major aims of privatization is increasing the productivity by transferring ownership to private sector. We would like to estimate this effect in selected state –owned firms. Analysis the productivity effect of privatization of Iranian firms that were initially state-owned will show the requirement of needy policies in management field of privatization to ratify and run the privatization policy faster base on academic estimate. We analyze the productivity effect of privatization using time series and cross search data (panel data) for 21 selected initially state-owned firms that are privatized in different industry with several observations pre and post privatization. Our goal is... 

    Iran’s Air Quality Modeling Using CMAQ-WRF Coupled Model

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mohegh, Mohammad Hassan (Author) ; Arhami, Mohammad (Supervisor)
    Industrialization has brought about air pollution which is one of the most important factors threatening human health. The most efficient method to improve air quality include preventing the emission of pollutants by making laws and regulations. In order to set appropriate regulations, there needs to be a correct understanding of the problem. The purpose of this research is to identify such factors and create a correct understnding of the problem in Iran by constructing a Model of Iranian air qulity. The model used in this research, CMAQ is one of the most comprehensive and state of the art models in transport of pollutnts and chemical reactions in the atmosphere. The inputs into CMAQ... 

    Investigating the Necessity and Conditions of Implementing the Virtual Design and Construction Method (VDC); and Proposing a Process to Apply the Method in the Design and Construction Projects in Iran

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mostafazadeh Davani, Sahand (Author) ; Mortaheb, Mohammad Mehdi (Supervisor)
    By using the information and communication technology (ICT) in the past three decades, many industries have been able to improve their productivity to a great extent. However, the construction industry is not experiencing such growth in productivity. Many believe that one of the most important reasons for this problem is the ineffectual use of ICT in the construction industry. To solve this problem, several construction methods have been developed in order to increase the productivity of the construction industry by using the aspects of the ICT. One of the most promising methods in this area is the Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) method.
    Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) is the... 

    The Effect Of Economic Factors On Tehran Stock Exchange

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Ghanbari, Ameneh (Author) ; Eshraghniaye Jahromi, Abdolhamid (Supervisor)
    In this study it is attempted to investigate the impact of macroeconomic variables on the determination stock price in Iran.In this study it is used quarterly time series data of stock price and also macroeconomic variables including Growth of Consumer Price Index(Inflation), Iran Crude Oil Price, Exchange Rate, Gold Price, Liquidity, Money Supply and Gross Domestic Product for a period of 10 years (1381:1-1390:4). Data is obtained from monthly and quarterly reports, available on the website of the Central Bank of Iran and Tehran Stock Exchange Organization. In the analysis of the collected data, It is applied unit root tests, test for co integration, and utilize a Vector Auto Regressive... 

    Studying the Dependence Structure of Tehran Stock Exchange and Over-the-Counter Market by Using Constant and Time-Varying Conditional Copula Functions

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Dehghan, Arman (Author) ; Zamani, Shiva (Supervisor)
    In this thesis, we study the dependence structure between the Tehran Stock Exchange and over-the-counter market, as the two main Iranian capital market institutions. Several constant and time-varying conditional Copula functions are used to model this dependence structure from October 2009 to August 2014. It is shown that, compared to constant conditional copulas, time-varying conditional copulas, provide a better performance. Analyzing the conditional tail dependence of these indices shows an asymmetric dependence structure. Also, investigating the dynamic conditional correlation and conditional tail dependence, using time-varying conditional copulas, reveals large variations and an... 

    A Contemporary Higher Education Student-Choice Model and Decision Making Process In International Campus Universities In Developing Countries: A Case Study of Iran

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Etemadoleslami Bakhtiyari, Ali (Author) ; Miremadi, Alireza (Supervisor)
    In the last two decades of the twentieth century, international Campus universities around the world were emphasized on financial sources rather than public or government universities. Therefore, the competition for qualified students has increased contemporarily with the student awareness about the programs and services offered by international campus universities located in Iran. The purpose of this study is to discover the factors that influence students’ choice model and decision making process in an international campus .To achieve it, we first performed the exploratory research to extract the factors which influence the students’ choice model by reviewing literature review and we... 

    Developing Strategic Approach to CRM in Iranian Banking Industry: Key Issues in Creating Customer Perceived Value

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Ranjbar Toutouee, Shirin (Author) ; Miremadi, Alireza (Co-Advisor)
    This millennium could be named as a world of relationship and connection which these two terms impacts on each of our business and daily life dimensions, in the world of marketing , consumer relationship management (CRM) was the notion that introduced in 1995 and emphasize on the importance of 1 to 1 interaction. wide perspective and golden target of CRM makes this concept more desirable for all organizations which everyone hope to be achieved it and this is a gains of not just more sales but more profit, in fact CRM focused on the emotional interaction between to part of deals and tries to locked the consumer in the system by creation of sentimental dependence in consumer which drives the... 

    Assessment of Caspian Gas Transit and its Effects on the Interests of the Iranian Desired

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Khakpour, Hossein (Author) ; Maleki, Abbas (Supervisor)
    In this project a model for the analysis and assessment of gas transit in the Caspian Sea and its effects on the desired benefits of the approach of decision-making, has been developed.
    The first comprehensive review of the supply and demand of gas in the world and the countries of the Caspian region and the cast has been affecting world energy developments.After a comprehensive analysis of the status of the gas transit routes from the Caspian region and provided. Then, using the Delphi method and elite views the main criteria related to gas transit and affecting the interests of the countries of the Caspian region to determine the detailed criteria for each main criterion was determined... 

    Development and Application of a Model for Assessment of Energy Sector in Middle East and the Role of Iran

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Moayed, Mojtaba (Author) ; Saboohi, Yadollah (Supervisor)
    The Middle-East with its enormous fossil fuel resources is considered as one of the most important regions with regard to the future world energy outlook. The region produced more than 32% and 16% of the world oil and gas, respectively, in 2012 and contains more than 48% of proven oil and 43% of proven gas reserves in the world and with 78 years of reserves-to-production ratio (RPR or R/P) has a key role in global energy provision. However, the energy issues in the region are intensifying. For instance, the fossil resources are pushed to the second half of their life time due to massive exploitation which results in change in production processes and raises the need for energy investment, on... 

    Investigation of the Feasibility and the Model of Energy-based Interactions between Iran and Iraq

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Maleksabet, Abbas (Author) ; Maleki, Abbas (Supervisor)
    In this project Iran and Iraq energy relation is investigate. Considering the Importance and the capacity of Iran and Iraq in world and Middle East energy and the geopolitics of these two countries, a good economic relationship between them, especially in energy domain, can highly improve their sustainable relations. In this research the Agent Based Modeling is used for studying Iran and Iraq relationship. In Agent Based Modeling the overall system behavior is made up of individual agents’ behavior. In this modeling, the agents decide based on their own behavioral rules and also their status. In this study Iran and Iraq are modelled as two agents. The state of the two countries in energy,... 

    The Study of Requirement and Enterprise Architecture of Organization Development in Iran

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Golchoobian, Mir Mohammd Ali (Author) ; Miremadi, Alireza (Supervisor) ; Manzoor, Davood (Co-Advisor)
    Traditionally, Iran was looking for development and either in era of oil revenues or before that, it has always faced serious mismatches in realization of plans and indiscipline of definition, allocation of development budgets, and sometimes national and foreign borrowing and in spite of defining development plans from 1971s, today, rare plans have been achieved in an acceptable and defendable manner, meanwhile, Iran’s Islamic Revolution adopted some fact changes in defining concepts like entrepreneurs, wealth, and the government’s share. However, many politicians and environmental activists are seeking sustainable development; environmental campaigners believe that this option is not... 

    Economic Effects of Dam Construction in Iran

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Tajrishy, Mohammad Saeed (Author) ; Vesal, Mohammad (Supervisor)
    The economic effects of large dams that were constructed during 1370-1393 in Iran are explored in this thesis and their effects on agriculture and welfare of their own district and downstream districts are analyzed. Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) method is used to investigate these effects and for more accurate results, we control for geographical variables and rainfall. The results of this study show that dam construction leads to higher agricultural yield, production value and irrigated area in the dam’s own district; but it doesn’t affect yield, production and irrigated area of downstream districts. Also dam construction results in planting more water-intensive crops in their own district... 

    Cultural Identity Among Iranian English Language Teachers: A Multi-hase Mixed-Method Researc

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Bahrami, Ava (Author) ; Rezaei, Saeed (Supervisor)
    Teaching a foreign language and its culture implicitly might result in internalizing the foreign culture and identity (Brown, 2001). This might consequently cause cultural identity crisis and loss in a broader sense. As provided by Eslami Nodooshan (1998), considering the importance of cultural awareness raised through cultural studies and its influence on language policy and accordingly language classes provided the ground for this study to investigate the components of Iranian cultural identity, the degree of Iranian EFL teachers’ cultural identity, and the statistically significant difference between the Iranian EFL teachers’ cultural identity with different demographic characteristics.... 

    Reliability Investigation for Increasing Safety in Iranian Railway Systems via TPM

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Dailamipour, Sahand (Author) ; Eshraghniaye Jahromi, Abdolhamid (Supervisor)
    The research, Reliability Investigation for Increasing Safety in Iranian Railway Systems via TPM, aims to evaluate maintenance in Iranian Railway Systems, and its corresponding factors in impacting safety. As the title indicates, this study focuses on safety in Iranian railway systems, and thus provides a history of the rail industry, as well as its history in Iran. Additionally, four maintenance types: regular, preventative, corrective and critical are evaluated. This evaluation is done for each maintenance type based on a series of factors rated based on a questionnaire distributed amongst experts. 37 experts were surveyed consisting of rail industry employees, as well as university...