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    The Ricci Flow with Applications to the Poincare and Calabi Conjectures

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Safdari, Mohammad (Author) ; Bahreini, Alireza (Supervisor)
    Poincare conjecture is one of the rst eorts for classifying 3-manifolds that was stated in the begining of 20th century. Eorts for proving this conjecture continued for about 100 years and nally Perelman has solved it in 2003. He has used Ricci ow which has been invented by Richard Hamilton in the early 80's. In this thesis rst we will introduce Ricci ow and will state the results before Perelman such as short time and long time existence of solution. Then we will mention some applications of Ricci ow and will state an explanation of the proof of uniformization and Calabi conjecture by Ricci ow. After that we start the main part of the thesis. In this part we will montion one of the...