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    Synthesis of Azacrown Ethers N2O2 Ligands Substituted on the Ullerene and Investigation of Its Coordination Properties

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Khamseh, Leila (Author) ; Ghanbari, Bahram (Supervisor)
    The goal of this project was study on coordination behavior of the 14-membered macrocyclic ligand of type N2O2 aza-crown while it is attached to fullerene C60 nano-particle. For this purpose, firstly the macrocyclic ligand (Fig 3-1, L1) was synthesized and then was reacted with C60 (Fig 3-1, L2) of which the product was characterized by elemental analysis. Since the product was insoluble in any solvents, further study on its coordination chemistry was impossible. In a second procedure, the macrocyclic ligand was reacted with benzylbromide. The reaction mixture gave two macrocyclic ligands with different number of benzylic pendant groups (Fig 3-1, L3-L4). The products were separated by column... 

    Comparative Study on [60]Fullerene and Cu(II) Complexation with O2N3-Azacrowns

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mahlooji, Niloofar (Author) ; Ghanbari, Bahram (Supervisor)
    The purpose of this project is to synthesis of O2N3-azacrown ligands with 17 to 21 membered ring and investigation of their interaction with C60 according to increase ring size. These macrocyclic ligands can be used in C60 purification. In this project, change in macrocyclic cavity for finding the best macrocycle with appropriate cavity to C60 size has been considered. Firstly, five O2N3-azacrown ligands were synthesized and characterized by NMR spectroscopy and elemental analysis. Interaction of these ligands were considered by electronic spectroscopy applying Benesi-Hildebrand equation. According to the results, it was found that the best macrocycle for formation of stable complex with... 

    Study on Cation and Fullerene Recognition by OxNx-Aza Crown Macrocyclic Ligands

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Safar koopayeh, Barzin (Author) ; Ghanbari, Bahram (Supervisor)
    In this research, a new group of N2O2–azacrown macrocyclic ligands with different macroring size from 15 to 18 was synthesized using one-pot facile and high yield reaction. The products were characterized applying FT-IR, 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopies as well as elemental analysis. The single crystal structure of 18-membered macrocyclic ligand was also determined by x-ray crystallography. The crystallographic data showed such strong inter-molecular hydrogen bonding which excluded their nitrogen-donor groups, and initial investigation with UV-Vis spectroscopy shows no intraction with [60]fullerene, despite of presence of these interacrtions in their parent macrocycles. The result of Job’s... 

    Synthesis of Azacrown Macrocyclic Ligand with Pendant Arms and Study of Their Complexation with [60] Fullerene and Cu(II) Cation

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Kazemi, Ameneh (Author) ; Ghanbari, Bahram (Supervisor)
    In this research, four N2O2–azacrown macrocyclic ligands with naphthalene pendant arms (L1-L4) were synthesized using direct synthesis. The products were characterized applying 1H and 13C {1H} NMR spectroscopy, IR and Mass spectrometry. Interaction of these ligands with [60]fullerene and Cu(II) were monitored respectively by fluorescent as well as UV-vis spectroscopy and applying Benesi-Hildebrand equation. These intercations were compared with N2O2 macrocyclic ligands in previous experiments in terms of their calculated association constants (Ka). According to our results, the presence of naphthalene pendant arm groups led to increase the interaction with [60]fullerene compared to the... 

    Coordination Investigation of Macrocyclic Ligands Tertiary Amine Groups with [60] Fullerene and Cu(II)

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Asadi Mofarrah, Leila (Author) ; Ghanbari, Bahram (Supervisor)
    The reaction of O2N2-donor naphthodiazacrown, with salicylaldehyde afforded new O3N2-donor macrocyclic ligands (L1-3naph) mounted with 1,3-diazcyclohexane subring in high yield. The product was characterized by IR, 1HNMR spectroscopy as well as elemental microanalysis and single crystal X-ray studies (just for L3naph). The interactions of [60]fullerene in presence and absence of base, Cu(II), Hg(II) and Zn(II) with L1-3naph were investigated employing fluorescence spectroscopy. The efficient fluorescence quenching of L1-3naph in presence of C60, Cu(II)( L1-2naph) and the fluorescence enhancement in presence of Hg(II) and Zn(II) indicated that the interaction with [60]fullerene Hg(II) and... 

    Synthesis and Characterization of NxOy-Naphthodiazacrowns and Study of Supramolecular Chemistry with C60 and Cu(II)

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Jamjah, Ali (Author) ; Ghanbari, Bahram (Supervisor)
    New N4O6 molecular tweezers were synthesized from N2O2 benzo- and naphthodiazacrown macrocycles bearing benzylic dialdehydes as a flexible and semi-flexible spacer in a short time and at room temperature. The products were characterized by IR, 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy as well as elemental microanalysis. The interactions of some of these tweezers with C60, Cu(II), Co(II), Ni(II), Zn(II), Hg(II) and Mn(II) were investigated by employing UV-Vis and fluorescence spectroscopy. Efficient fluorescence responses for 2NM3BD were observed in the presence of C60, Cu(II), Mn(II), Hg(II) and Zn(II). Meanwhile, the calculation of the association constants (K¬BH) employing Benesi-Hildebrand equation in... 

    Study of NxOy Macrocycles Bearing Peripheral Functional Groups as Axial Ligands of Zinc Tetraphenylporphyrin

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Barkhordari, Kimia (Author) ; Ghanbari, Bahram (Supervisor)
    In this project, M2 macrocyclic ligand, bearing three pyridine side arms (3p) was synthesized and characterized by employing elemental analysis and 1H NMR, 13C NMR and IR methods. The interaction of 3p with zinc tetraphenylporphyrin was investigated, using fluorescence and UV-vis spectroscopy in solution phase. The observed quenching in the fluorescence spectrum alongside Q band shift in UV-vis spectrum indicate on the interaction of 3p with ZnTPP. The formation constant for these interactions in 1:1 ratio was calculated 10100 M-1, employing fluorescence method. The formation constant was calculated 630 M-1 for 1:2 ratio for 3p:ZnTPP. Having 1:2 ratio 3pZnTPP was also synthesized and... 

    Synthesis and Study of the Interaction of Aza-Crwon Macrocyclic Ligands with Carboxylate Side Arms with Cd Salts

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mohammadzadeh, Amir Hossein (Author) ; Ghanbari, Bahram (Supervisor)
    In the present study, the coordination chemistry of an amino acid azacrown macrocycle ligand bearing one carboxylic acid arm (MA1) was investigated by employing NMR spectroscopy, crystallography and computational chemistry. MA1 was synthetized by the reaction of chloroacetic acid with the parent azacrown macrocycle and its purity was confirmed with 13C and 1H NMR for the first time. A new MA1 homologue, MA3 was also successfully prepared and characterized with NMR, mass spectrometry, and elemental analysis. NMR studies showed that MA1 binds to cadmium via the carboxylate arm in solution. Crystallographic studies showed that MA1 formed a one-dimensional polymer with cadmium, wherein the... 

    Insight into the Coordination Varieties of a NxO2 Peraza-Crown Macrocyclic Ligand Group Anchored by Pyridine Side Arms

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Asadi Mofarrah, Leila (Author) ; Ghanbari, Bahram (Supervisor)
    In this treatise, the effect of type of macrocycle ring on the final structure of the complexes which made from them was investigated. For this purpose, by changing the 15-membered benzylic macrocycle with two pyridine pendant arms (2p), which was studied in our previous experiments (the effect of the position of the nitrogen atom of the pyridine ring in the side arm and the type of metal ion in the geometry of its complexes), two new macrocycles by adding a naphthalene rings instead of benzylic ringsin in 2p and increasing the ring size from 15 to 17 members, Lpy-naph and Lpy-benz were symthesized respectively. The molecular formula and structure of Lpy-naph and Lpy-benz were confirmed by...