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    Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Master's Degree in TEFL

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Torabi, Fariba (Author) ; Salehi, Mohammad (Supervisor)
    In the last decades, Reaction Time research has been extended to cognitive science and more specifically human information-processing research and has gained momentum (Shim, 1996). The present study examined the reaction time in processing marked and unmarked structures with regard to the four types of conditionals (considered as unmarked, less marked, marked and strongly markedness, respectively) and prepositions (preposition pied piping that is considered as unmarked and preposition stranding as marked). To this end, two softwares were developed for which the items relating to conditionals were chosen from the Bernet’s test (1985) and the ones pertinent to prepositions were taken from...