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    Conformational Substates of Wild Type and Mutant (V68N) Myoglobin-CO

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Shams, Hengameh (Author) ; Ejtehadi, Mohammad Reza (Supervisor)
    Folded protein experience several conformational substates. Each substate reperesents a minimum in the free energy surface of the system. Since Myoglobin is the smallest protein that can reversibly bind to gas molecules and, it can be used as prototype for more complex systems.IR pecrtum of CO inside of myolgobin shows that distinct conformational substates can occur. It was shown that Histidine residue inside heme pocket plays an essential rolle in structural properties of substates. In this study, we used molecular dynamice simulation together with umbrella sampling method to obtain free energy profile of MbCO system. The configuration of distal Histidine (His64), CO and Heme is studied...