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Developing a Parallel DSMC Algorithm for Simulating Flow in Micro-Nano Propulsion Systems
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Darbandi, Masoud (Supervisor)
With the rapid development of mico-nano propulsion systems in micro-spacecrafts and micro-sattelites, precise investigation of flow field in these devices has become necessary. Micro propulsion systems usually have a thrust in order of mili Newton, and they can be used for maneuvers of spacecrafts with mass of less than 10 kg. Micro propulsion systems are usually classified according to their thrust generation mechanism to different classes like cold gas, and chemical propulsion systems. Cold gas micro propulsion systems obtain their energy from thermodynamic expansion of gas and not by combustion. If the flow fiel dimensionare comparable to mean free path, rarefaction effects are observed...
Developing a Software to Analyze Electroosmotic Flow in Microchannels
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Darbandi, Masoud (Supervisor)
The fabrication of micron-sized instruments MEMS have been in fast progress in different fields of science and technology such as those of chemical processes in chemical engineering, propulsion in aerospace industries, microchip cooling and inkjet printers in electrical industries, and medical appliances in medical and biomedical science. They have forced the manufacturers and researchers to work and think in fabricating such small-scale sizes. However, the complexity of fabricating MEMS with moving parts has also promoted the manufacturers to think of alternative ways. For example the use of moving parts to pump fluid in such devises causes such difficulties and the researchers could adopt...
Improving the Performance of a Hybrid Hot/Cold Laboratory Microthruster Using CFD Analysis
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Darbandi, Masoud (Supervisor)
Micro/Nano science has obtained enormous applications in aerospace engineering especially in the propulsion system of micro/nano satellites. The satellite attitude control is a vital part of every space mission. Different thruster systems have been already suggested and utilized to achieve this important mission correctly. Considering the future perspectives of space missions for small satellites, the development of micro/nano thrusters has been attracted more attention since the last decades. The scope of this research is to analyze hybrid hot/cold laboratory supersonic micro-thrusters especially for the micro-satellite implementations. The ultimate goal of the current research is to...