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    Developing a Set of Patterns for Migrating Applications into the Cloud

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Balalaie, Armin (Author) ; Heydarnoori, Abbas (Supervisor)
    Cloud computing offers its customers and organizations many advantages such as turning CAPEX to OPEX in the business side, and enabling scalability and fast and easy resource provisioning in the technical side. Using these features, companies can benefit from deployment in the cloud at a lower cost, and at the same time, focus more on their business. Therefore, many organizations are migrating their vital systems to the cloud because of its many benefits. Research on this topic has been started a few years ago, and since then, many approaches including architecture-based, model-driven, and SOA-based approaches have been proposed. Some of these solutions are just adaptations of the... 

    Microservice Testing: A Formal Approach

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Vahedifard, Sajjad (Author) ; Mirian Hosseinabadi, Hassan (Supervisor)
    Microservice architecture is an expanding software architectural style that is fundamentally different from monolithic and layered architecture. Based on small services, microservice architecture offers advantages such as independence, composability, scalability, and fault tolerance. With the emergence of the microservice architectural style, the way software is understood and designed has changed. Therefore, there is a need for methods and tools that help solve the problem of describing and verifying the communicative behavior of microservice systems. In this thesis, a model-based testing method and a formal approach for validating and testing applications with microservice architecture are... 

    Analysis of Client Side Vulnerabilities in Microservice-based Systems

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Basiri Abarghouei, Mohammad (Author) ; Kharrazi, Mehdi (Supervisor)
    Nowadays, software systems face many challenges that relate to their maintenance, scalability, and development. To address these challenges, many large software systems have moved away from monolithic architecture and adopted a microservicesbased architecture. However, microservices-based systems face security challenges due to their distributed nature, complex dependencies, and diverse implementation technologies. This study specifically examines architecture-based threats, which fall under the program logic-based category. Previous research has required access to the server-side architecture to recover the architecture of the system, but this study proposes a method for recovering the...