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Calculation of the Energy Release Rate of Nano-Cracks in FCC Materials Via the Many Body Atomic Scale FEM
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Mohammadi Shodja, Hossein (Supervisor)
Since the classical continuum theory fails to deal with the problems associated with defects, stress concentrators, and relevant deformation phenomena in solids, alternative approaches that can detect the atomistic nature of materials' fracture are required. The deficiency of the capture the size effect which yields delusively high values for some components of the stress field right on the edge of the stress concentrators, and its weakness in describing the complex interaction between small inhomogeneities, cracks and the like when they are only a few nanometers apart, are among some of the disadvantages of the classical approach. In recent years, however, atomistic methods are emerging to...
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Mohammadi Shodja, Hossien (Supervisor)
The present study aims at determining the elastic fields of ultra-small flaws and defects. These defects are often introduced undesirably in elastic solids during fabrication and their sizes are normally in the order of couple of nano-meters. In this work, the elastic fields around a circular nano-void subjected to a uniform farfield uniaxial tension, also the elastic fields of a nano-sized mode I crack under remote uniform loading are studied. In this paper the strain gradient theory developed by Mindlin and co-workers in 1960s is employed. According to this theory, the strain energy density assumes the form of a positive-definite function of the strain components and their first gradient....