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Dynamic Trajectory Generation and Obstacle Avoidance for a Reconfigurable Spherical Robot
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Ghaemi Osgouie, Kambiz (Supervisor) ; Salarieh, Hassan (Supervisor)
Recent studies show that spherical shape robots have been widely developed by many robotic researchers. A spherical shape can be also benefited in keeping mechanical components and electronic circuits inside a compact volume. The shell can also perform rolling motions for going fast and smooth on flat area. The reconfigurable spherical robot can be configured into a form of two interconnected hemispheres with three legs equipped with three Omni-directional wheels. The conceptual design of the robot will be initially packed and deployed in a spherical configuration. The spherical construction offers ease in transportation and deployment; for example, a number of these robots can be packed and...
Mechanical and Control System Design Enhancements for Stability and Safety of WMR Systems Against Environmental Disturbances
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Vosoughi, Gholamreza (Supervisor) ; Meghdari, Ali (Supervisor)
Hospitals are considered to be environments for employing social robots. However, it is necessary to provide conditions for the operation of these robots in such environment. Factors such as slippery and sloping surfaces, as well as the risk of falling robots from impact by the patient or other factors, cause the performance of these robots in these environments to be difficult. Friction and slip is a challenge posed by the path tracking mission in the hospital environment for these robots. In this regard, one of the objectives of this project is robot control to track the path on the surfaces in the event of a slip. The robot studied in this project is omnidirectional robot including...