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    Study on Separation of Uranium from Phosphoric Acid by Column Chromatography

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Grayeli, Fatemeh (Author) ; Sohrabpour, Mostafa (Supervisor) ; Khanchi, Ali Reza (Supervisor) ; Outokesh, Mohammad (Supervisor)
    In this study, uranium removal from phosphoric acid with doulite resin was examined. Different uptake properties of the doulite resin were examined using batch, stirred and column methods. Langmuier, freundlich and dubinin equation was fitted the isotherm data and freundlich equation showed the best fitting. Adsorption kinetics was controlled by slow intraparticle diffusion of UO22+ ions in resin, and it obeyed a shrinking core model. Also a pseudo-second order chemical reaction fairly fitted the kinetics data  

    Adsorption Of Uranium from Phosphoric acid and Waste Water with Microcapsules Contains Selective Extractants

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Tayebi, Ahmad (Author) ; Ghofrani, Mohammad Bagher (Supervisor) ; Khanchi, Alireza (Supervisor) ; Outokesh, Mohammad (Co-Advisor)
    Uptake characteristics of alginate microcapsules containing D2EHPA/TOPO for adsorption of uranium from industrial effluent were examined using batch, stirred and column method .stable alginate microcapsules in dried form was developed by immobilizing of D2EHPA/TOPO in porous matrix of calcium alginate. Characteristics of microcapsules were carrying out by destructive chemical analysis, BET, SEM and TG .the synthesized microcapsules showed a good column properties and high selectivity and reusability. In addition, isotherm adsorption of calcium alginate and microcapsules were fitted with frendlich's equation .the microcapsules also demonstrated that, the uptake percentage was constantly high... 

    Uranium Recovery from Liquid Waste of UCF by Solvent Extraction Method

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Aminoro-a-yaei Yamini, Leyla (Author) ; Samadfam, Mohammad (Supervisor) ; Taghizadeh, Mohammad (Supervisor) ; Ghasemi, Mohamad Reza (Co-Advisor)
    The Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) has launched a program of low level waste management. This program also includes waste produced at Uranium Conversion Facility (UCF) of Esfahan. The liquid waste, which was generated during the operation of plant and concentrated in lagoon, was characterized for the development of the treatment process. The aim of this study was to recovery of uranium content of liquid waste in the lagoon. The recovery of uranium has the advantage of saving this valuable metal and the avoidance of unacceptable discarding solution to the environment. Uranium may be recovered from an aqueous solution by precipitation, solvent extraction and ion exchange.... 

    Recovery of Uranium from the Waste of UCF Plant By Means of Solvent Extraction Method

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Moazen, Marziye (Author) ; Samadfam, Mohammad (Supervisor) ; Taghizadeh, Mohammad (Supervisor)
    During various stages of processing uranium in Isfahan’s UCF plant, liquid waste containing uranium compounds, is directed to evaporation lagoons. Gradually, a considerable amount of precipitation will form at the bottom of the lagoons. Since the concentration of uranium in evaporation ponds is relatively high, it seems that in addition to environmental issues, recycling uranium from existing pools is also economical. Uranium may be recovered from an aqueous solution by precipitation, solvent extraction and ion exchange. The solvent extraction is the best option for our purpose because of simple operation without increased consumption of heat or chemicals. It is also preferable when large... 

    Uranium Recovery from Sludge of Evaporation Lagoons of Isfahan’s UCF Plant

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Hanif Pour, Fateme (Author) ; Samadfam, Mohammad (Supervisor) ; Ghaemi, Ahad (Supervisor) ; Ghasemi, Mohammad Reza (Co-Advisor)
    Nuclear energy is one of the most important sources of energy from the economical point of view and also in terms of cleanliness and safety. Hence, strategically, uranium is one of the most basic elements of the earth and nowadays, the importance of this element is more marked due to the nuclear industry developement. Therefore, uranium recovery from the wastes generated during nuclear fuel production in Isfahan’s uranium conversion plant- in which yellow cake is converted to uranium hexafluoride- is quite pivotal. In this experimental research, uranium is extracted from the sludge of evaporation lagoons of Isfahan’s UCF plant via solvent extraction method. Execution of this project in an... 

    Investigation of Equilibrium and Kinetics of Uranium Solvent Extaction by Cyanex 301 Using a Single Drop Column

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Bardestani, Raoof (Author) ; Samadfam, Mohammad (Supervisor) ; Torab-Mostaedi, Meisam (Supervisor)
    Uranium separation from other metals in ore and nuclear waste is one of the most important stagesin nuclear fuel cycling. Solvent extraction is the common method for uranium extraction that reagent plays important rule in this technique. In this investigation, uranium solvent extraction is carried out by Cyanex 301 as reagent from nitric acid. At beginning, equilibrium batch extraction was carried and the effect of parameters such as pH, reagent concentration, temperature, shaking time of two phases, volumetric ratio of two phases, diluent and nitric acid concentration on extraction was investigated and optimum value of parameters was calculated. Uranium concentration effect was also... 

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Ebrahimi, Narjes Khatoon (Author) ; Samadfam, Mohammad (Supervisor) ; Mallah, Mohammad Hassan (Supervisor) ; Safdari, Jaber (Supervisor)
    In many uranium mines such as gachin-bandarabbas, use sulfuric acid for leaching operation on ore. This leach liquor, containing uranium, is extracted by organic solvent, such as D2EHPA (dapex process ).althogh this process have being used for many years, there is a vacancy for detailed thermodynamical studying on uranium extraction of uranium from leach liquor. To have a thermodynamical model, we need information on equilibrium concentration of all component that may have effect on uranium extraction in addition we need concentration of solvent , pH, phase ratio and activity coefficient.such a model must have the ability to predict the equilibrium concentration in alloperation condition.... 

    Study on Pretreatment of the Uranous Effluents of the UCF & Natanz Plants by Using Supercritical Water Method

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Salimi, Ali Akbar (Author) ; Otoukesh, Mohammad (Supervisor) ; Ahmadi, Javad (Co-Advisor)
    Pretreatment of nuclear waste for valuable and limited uranium resources in the nuclear industry as well as environmental protection is imperative. Wash the affected parts of the Natanz uranium enrichment plant uranium centrifuges with a standard cleaning solution of citric acid, a liquid waste is generated in this study, the preparation of these residues using supercritical water oxidation (SCWO) and near critical (HTWO1) was studied as a result, the optimum operating conditions, and conditions of solvent extraction has been studied. In the result, the optimum operating conditions, and conditions of solvent extraction has been introduced. Also in the UCF2 as a liquid waste contaminated with... 

    Uranium Bioleaching from a Low Grade Ore

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Rashidi, Abbas (Author) ; Roosta Azad, Reza (Supervisor) ; Safdari, Jaber (Supervisor)
    In this work, bioleaching was used to extract valuable uranium from a low grade ore. Bioleaching experiments were carried out in batch cultures using a native strain of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans. Experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of rotation speed, initial redox potential, initially added Fe concentration, particle size, pH, temperature, pulp density, and culture type. In the shake flask systems, over 99% of the uranium was bioleached in 48 hours at some conditions. Uninoculated flasks gave only around 25% leaching. At each study, uranium and iron concentrations, solution oxidation– reduction potential and pH were measured. The results showed that 150 rpm, d80=100 ... 

    Recovery of Uranium(VI) from UCF Waste by Selective Transportacross Aliquid Membrane

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Soltani Behrouz, Masoud (Author) ; Samadfam, Mohammad (Supervisor) ; Fasihi, Javad (Supervisor)
    Due to environmental and economical impacts, recovery of the uranium from nuclear wastes is of continuing interest.This work reports the separation of uranyl ionusing transport technique through chloroform liquid membrane containing a mixture of DBDA15C4 and oleic acidas cooperative carrier.The pH of the feed phase (10-4 M of UO22+) was adjusted with nitric acid and acetic acid/NaOH for pHrange of 2-6.The receiving phase was hydrochloric acid 1M.The organic phase was chloroform which includesthe carrier DBDA15C4 (0.0001 M) and also the oleic acid (0.015M).The results showed that the transport increased with increasing pH and reached to maximumat pH of 5.Maximum cooperative effect of oleic... 

    Fluoride Removal from Sludge's of Evaporation Lagoons of Isfahan’s UCF Plant

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Khayambashi, Afshin (Author) ; Samadfam, Mohammad (Supervisor) ; Firouz Zare, Mahmoud (Co-Advisor) ; Ghasemi, Mohamad Reza (Co-Advisor)
    Nuclear energy is one of the most important sources of energy from the economical point of view and also in terms of cleanliness and safety. Hence, strategically, uranium is one of the most basic elements of the earth and nowadays, the importance of this element is more marked due to the nuclear industry developement. Therefore, uranium recovery from the wastes generated during nuclear fuel production in Isfahan’s uranium conversion plant- in which yellow cake is converted to uranium hexafluoride- is quite pivotal. In this experimental research, we have to remove Fluoride from waste after dissolution by several methods like precipitation. After that uranium is extracted from the sludge of... 

    Synthesis and Functionalization of Graphene for Uranium Adsorption

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Bashardoust, Mahyar (Author) ; Outokesh, Mohammad (Supervisor) ; Khanchi, Alireza (Supervisor)
    Many concerns are directed toward heavy metal pollutions due to its environmental hazards, and many researchers have been working on elimination of heavy metals recently. The large volume of industrial wastewater and the probability of potable water resources pollutions, clarifies the importance of heavy metals removal from wastewater. Removing Uranium among all other heavy metals is of a great importance because of its radioactive and chemical toxication. This thesis topic is “Synthesis and Functionalization of Grapheme for Uranium Adsorption”. In order that, Graphene Oxide is fabricated from Graphite utilizing Hummers and Offman’s method firstly, and it is functionalized by two ligands... 

    Biosorption of Uranium from Uranium Conversion Waste using Aspergillus Niger Fungus

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Sana, Solat (Author) ; Roosta Azad, Reza (Supervisor) ; Yaghmaei, Soheyla (Co-Advisor)
    Presence of heavy metals in industrial waste has always been a serious environmental problem. One of such metals in uranium that is used in important industries such as nuclear industry. Thus, it must be excluded from industrial waste efficiently. This research aimed to study effect of local strain of aspergillus niger in bioabsoprtion of uranium from industrial waste in which good absorption was reached and absorption of local strain was compared with that of control strain obtained from PTCC. Also, local strain was collected from uranium anomalies of Bandar Abbas Mining Site and was used to identify it with reference strains available at NCBI site using PCR and proliferation of part of... 

    Study on Adsorption of Uranium from Saghand Ore Leach Liquor by Continuous Ion Exchange Systems

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Noori Khangah, Behrooz (Author) ; Outokesh, Mohammad (Supervisor) ; Godocynejhad, Davood (Supervisor) ; Saberyan, Kamal (Co-Supervisor) ; Asghari, Reza (Co-Supervisor)
    The current study was attributed to uranium uptake by Varion-AP resin from Saghand, Iran Uranium Mine, ore leach liquor. A suitable high-efficiency system was designed for continuous ion exchange at the bench scale and the uranium uptake parameters were optimized. In this system, 1 reactors was used with a volume of 3 liters in stage with the same height difference. A leach liquor containing uranium with a concentration of between 200 and 300 mg/l was flowed from the feed storage by gravity between reactor 1 to 10 at a flow rate of 30 lit/h and Varion-AP resin was transferred in counter-current flow from stage 10 to 1 by a pneumatic pump. The output of each reactor had a screener that... 

    Leaching of Uranium from pHospHate Ores of Sheikh Habil Region in the Process of pHospHoric Acid Production (in a Wet Way)

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Abdeshahi, Ashkan (Author) ; Outokesh, Mohammad (Supervisor) ; Godocynejhad, Davood (Supervisor) ; Khoshnodi, Khalegh (Co-Supervisor) ; Ghadiri, Ahmad (Co-Supervisor)
    In this research, uranium is leached from pHospHate ore of Sheikh Habil region by leaching operation using leaching agent (sulfuric acid) along with production of pHospHoric acid. In the following, the production of yellow cake from the produced liqueur solution (pHospHoric acid) by solvent extraction process is also mentioned. PHospHate ore contains a large amount of calcite and dolomite, which removal of these annoying elements by wet, dry and acid washing methods is the key to success in the production of pHospHoric acid. For this purpose, in the wet method of a flotation system, the dry method of heat furnace and in the acid washing method, various organic and inorganic acids were used...