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    "The Paakshooy": A Robotics Cell for Washing and Preparation of a Cropse for Burial Compatible with Islamic Laws

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Nasiri, Ehsan (Author) ; Meghdari, Ali (Supervisor)
    Washing a dead person’s body and dressing the corpse prior to burial is an act of love and necessity in many religions. Since the deceased loses all bodily functions at time of death, cleaning the body to eliminate odors is generally a hard and unpleasant task for many to perform. It has also been reported that tens of thousands of microbes are present on every square centimeter of a human corpse which is always a health risk to the persons performing the task. Among Islamic nations, preparation of the corpse is usually carried out in washing rooms (Ghassalkhaneh) of cemeteries in large cities. This preparation consists of two important operations namely as washing of the corpse (Ghosl)...