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    Investigation of Palladium Growth on Nanostructured Tungsten Oxide Films

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Tahmasebi Garavand, Nemat (Author) ; Mahdavi, Mohammad (Supervisor) ; Iraji Zad, Azam (Supervisor)
    We have studied making and characterization of gasochromic thin films that are used as gas sensors. Gasochromic films consist of an electronchromic layer and a catalyst layer. Addition of palladium to the surface , increased the sensitivity and decreased the working temperature. The used electrochromic layer was tungsten oxide. WO3 films were fabricated by (PLD) method. The substrates were slide glasses. Structure, morphology and composite of tungsten oxide and optical property of films depend on condition of deposition. The pressure of oxygen gas in chamber and temperature of substrate are two factors that can affect in deposition. We can make layers with different morphology by variation... 

    The Investigation of Photocatalytic Properties of Palladium-Modified TiO2 Coating via Sol-Gel Method

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Rezaiyan Deloei, Mehdi (Author) ; Ghorbani, Mohammad (Supervisor)
    Titanium dioxide has helped mankind to eliminate some viruses, bacteria and fungi due to its photocatalytic activity. Despite the unique properties of this semiconductor, the recombination of the produced electron hole pairs by UV is a restrictive factor of its photocatalytic efficiency. The doping of some noble metals and cations of transition metals with this oxide can increase its photocatalytic efficiency. In this research, palladium-modified TiO2 coating was prepared by using dip-coating method. The investigation of XRD spectrum demonstrated that 1%wt addition of Pd to TiO2 sol-gel solution results in a 16.1% decrease of Rutile phase, compared with TiO2 sol-gel solution which was not... 

    Synthesis of TiO2 Nanoparticles Modified by Several Transition Metals and Investigation of their Effects on Degradation Kinetics of Dye

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Kaboli, Zeynab (Author) ; Gholami, Mohammad Reza (Supervisor)
    In this project, TiO2 nanoparticles were prepared by the sol gel method. The band gap of TiO2 was modified with transition metal ions Pt, Pd, Ni. The kinetics and photocatalytic degradation of AB92 investigated. The effect of some parameters such as pH and amount of photocatalysis and calcination tempreture were examined. Also effect of transition metal increase on surface morphology and photocatalytic activity were investigated by XRD, BET, SEM, DRS and FT-IR Techniques. Dyes are an abundant class of colored organic compounds that represent and increasing environmental danger. Azo dyes are well-known carcinogenic organic substances. Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) have been proposed as... 

    Improving Hydrogen Sensing by Adding Additives in Nanostructure WO3 Films

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Fardindoost, Somayyeh (Author) ; Iraji Zad, Azam (Supervisor) ; Mahdavi, Mohammad (Supervisor)
    The present work emphasizes on hydrogen resistance- sensing properties of WO3 films prepared by Sol-gel routs. The sol-gel is a simple and low cost rout which makes film with high homogeneity and low processing temperature .To improve Hydrogen sensing we modified WO3 films with Pd catalysts by Sol-gel and Electroless methods. AFM , EDX, SEM , XPS , XRD , were applied to analyze structure, morphology and Chemical composition of the fabricated thin films. We measured resistance sensing behavior of prepared films in exposure to different concentration of Hydrogen. All the films were tested under the same conditions. We measured resistance sensing in exposure to concentration below 10000 ppm... 

    Synthesis of Palladium Nanowires for Hydrogen Gas Sensor by Field Ionization

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology dolatkhah, Naeme (Author) ; Irajizad, Azam (Supervisor)
    The interesting properties of metallic nanowires provide many applications in electronic sensors. In this project, we have synthesized Pd nanowires using electrodeposition method. These nanowires are useful for hydrogen sensors by measuring field ionization current in gas. In this project, Pd nanowires were synthesized by electrochemical deposition method in PCT template with 100 nm pore size. The used solution was contained 2mM PdCl2 + 0.1M HCl. The best reduction potential was determined about -0.2V and the best time for synthesizing nanowires was 7 minutes. Chronoampermetric diagrams showed four steps, capacitive current, growth in the holes, reaching to the surface of PCT and the growth... 

    Physical Investigation of Gasochromic Phenomena Mechanism in Tungsten Oxide Nanostructure

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Tahmasebi Garavand, Nemat (Author) ; Mahdavi, Mohammad (Supervisor) ; Iraji Zad, Azam (Supervisor)
    In the present thesis the fabrication of various tungsten oxide nanostructures (films and colloidal nanoparticles) with coverage of catalyst on their surfaces has been investigated which show gasochromic properties. Tungsten oxide films and nanoparticles were synthesized by pulsed laser abalation technique in vacuum and liquid environment, respectively. To activate the synthesized films and nanoparticles against hydrogen gas, the catalyst nanoparticles (Pd or Pt) were deposited onto their surface through hydrogen reduction of metal salt and electroless methods, respectively. The products were characterized by XPS, UV-Vis., AFM and DLS techniques. The prepared samples show significant color... 

    Synthesis and Characterization of Various Transition Metal Complexes and the Application in Oxidation, Heck, Suzuki, Sonogashira and Olefin Metathesis

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Amini, Mojtaba (Author) ; Bagherzadeh, Mojtaba (Supervisor)
    In nature, catalysis is of vital importance in a wide variety of biochemical processes catalyzed by metalloenzymes. The functions performed by the metalloenzymes and their significance have inspired a range of biomimetic studies, and intense efforts have been concentrated on the synthesis of low molecular weight complexes to model the spectroscopic features of such enzymes. Concomitantly, a challenging frontier in the field of biomimetic chemistry is the development of highly reactive model compounds that are able to effect rapid and selective substrate conversion. Some important catalytic transformations that have gained attention in recent years involve the carbon-carbon coupling, olefin... 

    Synthesis and Evaluation of a Three-Way Catalyst for CO, Hydrocarbon and Nitrogen Oxide Emission Control in CNG-Fueled Vehicles

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Esperi, Melika (Author) ; Hamzehlouyan, Tayebeh (Supervisor)
    According to the reports of the Tehran Air Quality Control Company, mobile sources are responsible for the emission of 70-85% of air pollutant in this metropolis. Over the past decades, compressed natural gas (CNG) is known as a cleaner fuel and a suitable alternative to gasoline and diesel fuels in the transportation section in some countries. However, methane emissions from natural gas vehicles is a significant challenge because it is a potent greenhouse gas and plays important role in global warming. In addition, because of another pollutant emissions from these vehicles, exhaust gas treatment is a crucial issue. Using Three-Way catalysts (TWC) is the conventional method in order to...