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    On Some Pancyclicity Properties of OTIS Network

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Shafiei, Tayebeh (Author) ; Movaghar, Ali (Supervisor)
    A parallel computer system is composed of a collection of processors used to speed up running a program or performance of multiple programs. If we consider the processors as nodes and the channels between processors as edges, the constructed graph represents an interconnection networks. Network topology affects performance and energy consumption of interconnection network very much. Some parameters of topology quality are low node degree and diameter, high connectivity degree and bisection width and symmetry. Since some of these parameters are in contrast with others, a network with more parameter improvements, is more desirable. Finding cycles with specific length and particularly ... 

    On Some Properties of OTIS Networks and Similar Networks

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Malekimajd, Marzieh (Author) ; Movaghar Rahimabadi, Ali (Supervisor)
    The plausibility of embedding cycles of different lengths in the graphs of a network (known as the pancyclicity property) has important applications in Interconnection networks, parallel processing systems, and implementation of a number of either computational or graph problems such as those used for finding storage schemes of logical data structures, layout of circuits in VLSI and etc. OTIS network is an important Interconnection network that worth investigating. This kind of network has benefits of having electronic connection and optic connection simultaneously. Furthermore, independent of the technology of network, the topology of this network has importance. In this thesis, we have...