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    Decomposition of Cohort, Age and Time Effects in Iranian Households Cigarette Consumption

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Rafiee, Sajad (Author) ; Keshavarz Haddad, Gholamreza (Supervisor)
    This study aims to examine cigarette consumption behavior of younger cohorts in the urban areas of Iran. we use Iranian household's income and expenditures survey over 2007-2012 and a double-hurdle modeling approach to take into account the zero expenditure on cigarette consumption. after controlling for price and demographic factors which determine the demand for cigarettes, we find that the younger cohorts tend to use more cigarettes than the older ones, however the age effects for men aged between 21-45 are positive  

    The Impact of Trade Openness on Labor Force Participation Rate

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Pilvar, Hanifa (Author) ; Madanizadeh, Ali (Supervisor)
    In this article we investigate the impact of trade openness on labor force participation rate. We use tariff rate as the main indicator of trade openness and we employ the number of regional trade agreements of neighbouring countries to diminish the endogeneity of the tariff rate variable. The results of the article show that the correlation of tariff rate and participation rate is negative and significant. Moreover, this correlation is robust controling for different variables and using various regression specifications. 1 percentage point decrease in tariff rate is correlated with 2-3 percentage point increase in participation rate and this relationship attenuates in the medium-run  

    Short Term Scheduling of Gencos eith Renewable Units for Participation in Electricity Market

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Kabiri Renani, Yahya (Author) ; Ehsan, Mehdi (Supervisor) ; Shahidehpour, Mohammad (Co-Advisor) ; Mohammadi Ivatloo, Behnam (Co-Advisor)
    Restructuring in the electrical industry, is one of the most important change in this industry which cause profit based decision making in all parts of the electrical network, especially in the generation part. In a real incomplete market environment, uncertainties associated with input parameters of the GenCos’ self-scheduling problem such as market price and accessible renewable generation would be one of the most important factors that affects the profits of GenCos and energy resources. Nowadays, increased use of distributed energy resources (DERs) such as distributed generations (DGs), energy storage units, and demand response, has led to a paradigm shift within the electric power... 

    Private Sector Willingness-to-Invest in Construction of Residential Apartments in the Deteriorated Land Use Area Based on Build-Operate-Transfer Scheme and Transit-Oriented-Development Concept

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Naeimian, Behnaz (Author) ; Poorzahedy, Hossein (Supervisor)
    This study is part of a bigger project which models Transit-Oriented-Development in deteriorated land use area in order to transfer the residents of the unsafe buildings to new apartments built by the Bus Rapid Transit system, and at the same time increase transit patronage. Residents in the deteriorated land use area (R) trade their land for equivalent value of the new apartment floor area, built by the Private Sector (P). P, in return receive the permission to build equivalent value of “commercial” floor area on the land freed from R. P Builds this new commercial area, Operates it for a life-time (30 to 50 years concession period) and then Transfers it to the City Government, thus a BOT...