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    Deriving a Model for Determining the Relative Utility of Residential Apartments for Private Buyers

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Behdad, Kian (Author) ; Isaei, Mohammad Taghi (Supervisor)
    In this research, the aim is to find the factors that can influence on the utility perception of both private buyers and experts. What's more, the share of each factor on the overall utility is derived by the use of AHP technique. The next step is to derive a model that contain all the factors seen by private and inexpert buyers., and their relative weight. At the next step, the aime is to complete the model by adding the factors not seen by all private buyers, but advised by residential apartment experts and their relative weight. The model should be able to rank different residential apartments, when the value of each factor is given for each ot the apartments.


    Spillover Effects in Returns and Volatilities to Estimate the Value at Risk of Portfolio, Consist of Gold, Foreign Exchange and Stocks

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Moftakhar Daryaie Nejad, Kobra (Author) ; Keshavarz Haddad, Gholamreza (Supervisor)
    Accurate modelling of volatility (or risk) is important in finance, particularly as it relates to the modelling and forecasting of value-at-risk (VaR) thresholds. As financial applications typically deal with a portfolio of assets and risk, there are several multivariate GARCH models which specify the risk of one asset as depending on its own past as well as the past behaviour of other assets. So we mustn't ignore return and volatility spillover effects between different assets in the portfolio for estimating the portfolio value at risk. Many studies in financial economics in recent decades investigate the spillover effects and modelling it. In this research we analyze the importance of... 

    Incremental Representative Words Extraction of Persian Weblogs with Change of Theme Detection Using Graph Approach

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Sayyadi, Mohsen (Author) ; hodsi, Mohammad (Supervisor)
    Although dimension reduction techniques for text documents can be used for preprocessing of blogs, these techniques will be more effective if they deal with the nature of the blogs properly. In this project we propose a novel algorithm called PostRank using shallow approach to identify theme of the blog or blog representative words in order to reduce the dimensions of blogs. PostRank uses a graph-based syntactic representation of the weblog by taking into account some structural features of weblog. At the first step it models the blog as a complete graph and assumes the theme of the blog as a query applied to a search engine like Google and each post as a search result. It tries to rank the... 

    Multi-Objective Simulation Optimization Within MCDM Framework: A Bi-Objective Inventory System

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Ramezani, Iman (Author) ; Akhavan Niaki, Mohammad Taghi (Supervisor)
    System design, regardless of the type of system being considered, needs to determine parametersto maximize the system performance criteria.One of solutions of finding best system performance is using simulation optimization. In real world, end users have models with more than one objective and these objectives are conflicting objectives. There are a lot ofmeta-heuristic algorithms to solve multi-objective optimization problems. NSGA-II is one of the most popular proposed meta-heuristic algorithms to solve multi-objective problems. Because of using average to evaluate solutions, process of selecting new generations in this algorithm is such that in every generation some of suitable solutions... 

    Ranking Realizations of Reservoir Model by Using Well Test Data

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Tahmasbi, Mehran (Author) ; Masihi, Mohsen (Supervisor) ; Shad, Saeed (Co-Advisor)
    Characteristic of the reservoir, including the important discussion in the oil industry, is widely practiced in the modeling, simulation and EOR. One of the methods fordetermining the specifications of the reservoir is geostatistical technique. This means that a large number of realizations of the reservoir model to assess the uncertainty in reservoir descriptions of performance predictions should be made.However flow simulation of all these realizations is very difficult due to cost and time calculations.To mend the problem, we use ranking realization that finally a minor number of realizations are selected and flow simulation is used to them.In this project, we use streamline simulation to... 

    Active Constraint Clustering by Instance-level Constraint Ranking Using Estimated Cluster Boundaries

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Abbasi, Mohammad Javad (Author) ; Beigy, Hamid (Supervisor)
    Taking into account the fast and ever-increasing pace of data growth, clustering algorithms emerge as the key tools for data analysis in new researches. Clustering remain as a method for decomposing data into clusters, in such a way that similar data coalesce in the same group. Different algorithms conduct clustering according to a series of initial hypotheses, without being informed about the clusters’ form and aims. Hence, in case with no conformity between initial hypothesis and the clustering aim, one cannot expect adequate response from the clustering algorithm. Exploitation of side information in clustering can play an impactful role in introduction of real models into clustering... 

    Author Identification Using Statistical Methods

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Ameri, Reyhaneh (Author) ; Beigy, Hamid (Supervisor)
    With the increasing use of the Internet, we are witnessing the exchange of gigabytes of text in cyberspace. Cyberspace makes it possible for individuals to hide their true identity and enter this space with an spurious one. Abuses that occur in online communities due to the use of unknown identities, reduce confidence in this type of communication and create many challenges in this area. Hence the importance of maintaining the security of the space, controling the user-generated content and identifying the authors of texts increases day by day. In this Research we have presented an approach to author identification. This approach is based on modeling the style of the authors on the basis of... 

    Using Machine Learning Approaches for Persian Pronoun Resolution

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Moosavi, Nafiseh Sadat (Author) ; Ghasem Sani, Gholamreza (Supervisor)
    Coreference resolution is an essential step toward understanding discourses, and it is needed by many NLP tasks such as summarization, machine translation, question answering, etc. Pronoun resolution is a major and challenging subpart of coreference resolution, in which only the resolution of pronouns is considered. The existing coreference resolution approaches can be classified into two broad categories: linguistic and machine learning approaches. Linguistic approaches need a lot of linguistic information for the resolution process. Acquisition of such information is an error- prone and time-consuming process. In contrast, learning approaches need less linguistic information and provide...