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    Dynamic Parameters of Saturated and Unsaturated Sand at Different Range of Shear Strain Levels in Cyclic Simple Shear Test

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Golshan, Zeinab (Author) ; Jafarzadeh, Fardin (Supervisor)
    In this investigation, a series of cyclic simple shear tests were carried out in order to evaluate dynamic parameters of Babolsar and Toyoura sand at levels of saturation 25, 50, 75 and 100%. 96 tests were conducted using SGI type cyclic simple shear device. The specimens were cylindrical, with 7cm diameter and 2.2 cm height. The tests were performed under both drained condition (constant-load) at levels of saturation 25, 50%, and undrained condition at levels of saturation 75, 100%. All tests were performed under vertical consolidation stress of 50 and 150 kPa, relative density of 30 and 70% and cyclic shear strain of 0.5, 5 and 10%. The tests were shear strain-controlled with an... 

    Determination of Lateral Pressure of Sandy Soil Using Results of Calibration of Cone Penetration Test

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Karambakhsh, Pooya (Author) ; Ahmadi, Mohammad Mehdi (Supervisor)
    Cone Penetration Test (CPT) is one of the major in-situ tests used around the world. Obtaining undisturbed samples from sands is generally very difficult and expensive, and in some cases impractical. A good interpretation of CPT results can provide important soil parameters, and therefore the need for undisturbed sampling may be reduced. Using Calibration Chambers, a soil with predefined parameters is tested by cone penetrometer and some relationships are developed between CPT results and soil parameters. Using these relationships, in-situ results are interpreted. CPT results can be used to evaluate different aspects: soil stratification, geoenvironmental characteristics, stress state and... 

    Effect of Initial Static Shear Stress on Liquefaction Resistance of Babolsar Sand Using Cyclic Simple Shear Tests

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Pouragha, Mehdi (Author) ; Haeri, Mohsen (Supervisor)
    Initial static shear stress caused by slopes or nearby structures' foundations can affect the behavior of the soil which is concerned many investigators during previous three decade. In this investigation, the effect of initial static shear stress on the liquefaction resistance of Babolsar sand has been probed using cyclic simple shear tests. Three different initial relative densities (Dr0=20%, 40% and 60%) and three different initial normal stresses (σv0= 50, 150 and 250 kPa) were considered in tests and four various initial static shear ratios (α) ranging between 0.0 and 0.3 were applied which leads to more than 190 distinct experiments. All tests were conducted under constant volume and... 

    Physical Modeling of Buried Pipelines Response due to Earthquake-Induced Landslide

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Sehizadeh, Mahdi (Author) ; Jafarzadeh, Fardin (Supervisor)
    In this dissertation, the response of buried pipelines in slopes which have become unstable during earthquake induced landslides is investigated. The Sharif University of Technology shaking table was used for modeling this phenomenon.Three tests were performed so that in the first and second ones, three pipes were placed in different positions due to slope and the supports were elastic cylinders. In third test, there were four pipes with simple supports at the test-box walls.The pipes in every test were buried in the depth of 11 centimeters and they were all made of aluminum with the outside diameter of 16 millimeters and thickness of 1 millimeter. Also, they were all in the bending mode due... 

    Investigation the Effect of Content and Plastisity of Plastic Fines on Liquefaction Resistance of Sand Using Cyclic Simple Shear Tests

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Hassani, Mehrdad (Author) ; Ahmadi, Mohammad Mehdi (Supervisor)
    Regarding the existing contrary in the literature in relation to the effect of plastic fine on sand liquefaction behaviour, we decided to study this effect. Amounts of 5, 15, and 25 percent of two types of plastic fine, Kaolinite with PI=19 and Bentonite with PI=116 added to Firoozkooh Sand and 68 stress controlled tests were conducted using cyclic simple shear apparatus. In all teste the frequency of shear loading and consolidating vertical effective stress were constant and 0.1 Ht and 100 kPa respectively. Reaching excess pore water pressure ratio to the maximum value (r_u=Max) and reaching double amplitude shear strain to the value of 5% have been considered as liquefaction critera. In... 

    Evaluation of the Effect of Anisotropy on Cyclic Behavior of Sands with Hollow Cylinder Apparatus

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Zamanian, Mostafa (Author) ; Jafarzadeh, Fardin (Supervisor)
    Direction of loading and magnitude of the intermediate principal stress have significant effect on the soil responses. In many of in-situ loading the direction of major principal stress is not coincide to the deposition direction of the soil. Also, the magnitude of the intermediate principal stress should be exerted in the three dimensional loading condition. A reliable assessment of the soil behavior and a good estimation of the soil parameters need to do tests in similar condition with in-situ. So the testing apparatus should be able to control the loading direction in various stress paths. Typical equipments used in the geotechnical laboratory have not the ability to control the magnitude... 

    The Effect of Fines Content and its Type on Shear Wave Velocity and Liquefaction Resistance of Sandy Soils

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Akbari Paydar, Nima (Author) ; Ahmadi, Mohammad Mehdi (Supervisor)
    Liquefaction is one of the most destructive geotechnical phenomena, and so the determination of soil liquefaction is very important. Shear wave velocity measurement is one of the methods of the soil liquefaction potential evaluation. The use of this method has increased substantially in recent years, due to its advantages compared to other methods, especially for microzonation of liquefaction potential. However, proposed curves for liquefaction evaluation which are based on the shear wave velocity measurement are more conservative than curves based on SPT and CPT, especially for sands containing fines. Local information from sites that have been liquefied previously and the shear wave... 

    Experimental Investigation of Interface Behavior between Polymer Concrete and Sand

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Shirkhorshidi, Masoud (Author) ; Toufigh, Vahab (Supervisor)
    The behavior of soil-structure interface plays an important role in the static and dynamic analysis of soil-structure systems. Development of new materials such as polymer concrete requires an understanding of the behavior and their interaction with other materials. In this investigation, the interface behavior between polymer concrete and ordinary concrete with sand was studied using interface direct shear tests. In order to find optimum content of epoxy resin for polymer concrete, a series of tensile and compressive tests were conducted. To study the mechanical properties of concretes-sand interfaces behavior two series of interface direct shear tests were conducted at three different... 

    Correlation of In-Situ Horizontal Stress and Cone Tip Resistance in Sandy Soils Using Calibration Chamber Test Measurements

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Alikahi, Mohammad Hossein (Author) ; Ahmadi, Mohammad Mehdi (Supervisor)
    This study aims to propose a new correlation between in-situ horizontal stress and cone tip resistance in soils. Knowing the field in-situ stress state condition has an important role in stability assessment and stress-deformation analysis in a common geotechnical system. Although vertical stress could be measured easily, horizontal stress is still known as challenging work. Due to the difficulty in sampling undisturbed sand specimens, in-situ tests have been proposed in the previous literature to investigate the different characteristics of this soil. Cone Penetration Test (CPT) is one of the most used and accepted soil methods for soil investigation, identifying different soil parameters...