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    Design of a Scalable Optical Network-on-Chip by Reducing Role of Electrical Transactions

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Aghaei Khouzani, Hoda (Author) ; Hesabi, Shahin (Supervisor)
    As the number of processing cores on a single chip continues to grow, the need for a high bandwidth, low power communication structure, will be the most important requirement of the next generation chip multiprocessors. Today, a major part of power consumption in multicore architectures belongs to interconnects. Due to these facts, reducing power consumption, as well as supporting high performance, is of major concern in these architectures. Optical interconnects have the potential to replace electrical wires to solve the bottleneck of communications in integrated circuits. Various routers and architectures with different points of view, have been recently designed considering existing... 

    Hierarchical Fat-tree Topology for an Optical Network-on-Chip

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Hoseini, Fateme Sadat (Author) ; Hessabi, Shahin (Supervisor)
    With increasing number of processors on a chip, the role of interconnections becomes more important in both power consumption and bandwidth. As a result, in MultiProcessor System-on-Chip architectures, the design constraints will shift from "Computational Constraints" to "Communicational Constraints". Nowadays, optical information transfer is introduced as a suitable substitution for electrical interconnections in chips, which can eliminate their problems. Many different optical networks have been presented so far. These networks can be divided into two subcategories. Networks of the first category use an electrical infrastructure as well as optical one. Hence, the scalability of scheme is... 

    Derivation of a Scalable Mass Ttransfer Equation for Adsorption of Uranium on Resin in Stirred Reactors

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Naderi, Ali (Author) ; Outokesh, Mohammad (Supervisor) ; khanchi, Alireza (Supervisor)
    Resin In Pulp(RIP) is One of the most important processes for separation of uranium from ore while concentration of uranium in ore is low , based on adsorption of uranium that exist in the slurry on onion exchanger resins .uranium ore is dissolved in sulfuric acid and slurry that contain uranium is produced,then this slurry enter stirred reactors and adsorption process is performed.RIP are accepted universally and now adays countries such as canada,south africa and australia use this process when concentration of uranium in slurry after leaching process is 100-500 ppm.in iran also this process is performing in ardacan-saghand mine.Kinetic of adsorption process in stirred reactors has been... 

    High Speed CDMA Communication in Optical Network on Chip

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Abdi, Mania (Author) ; Hesabi, Shahin (Supervisor)
    As the number of processing cores on a single chip continues to grow, the need for a high band width, low power communication structure, will be the most important requirements of next generation chip multiprocessors. Today, a major part of power consumption in multi core architectures belongs to interconnects. Due to these facts, reducing consuming power, as well as supporting high performance, is concerned in these architectures. The concept of “network-on-chip” emerged to improve the performance of CMPs. But now a day, considering the circumstances of power budges, it’s incapable of presenting new strategies to decrease consuming power and delay. However, optical interconnects have the... 

    Study on the Kinetics of Uranium Adsorption in the Stirred Reactors, and Search for the Scalable Kinetic Models for This

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Hashemi Oalya, Ali (Author) ; Otukesh, Mohammad (Supervisor) ; Khanchi, Alireza (Supervisor)
    One of the main uranium separations of ore that uranium percent application of enhanced design strategies in the industrial cracking furnaces are of practical interest for oil, gas and petrochemical industries. For such engineering purposes the exact simulation of temperature, species concentration and flow fields in the furnace is essential. In this paper, a study was performed to simulate 3D flue gas flow pattern, temperature and species concentration field in the radiation section of an industrial cracking furnace using the computational fluid dynamics (100-500) ppm technique. The steady-state Reynolds Averaged Navier–Stokes (Resin in pulp)equations were solved, in a finite volume scheme,... 

    Image Annotation Using Semi-supervised Learning

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Amiri, Hamid (Author) ; Jamzad, Mansour (Supervisor)
    Aautomatic image annotation that assigns some labels to input images and provides a textual description for the contents of images has become an active field in machine vision community. To design an annotation system, we need a dataset that contains images and labels for them. However, a large amount of manual efforts is required to annotate all images in a dataset. To reduce the demand of annotation systems on the labeled images, one solution is to exploit useful information embedded into the unlabeled images and incorporate them into learning process. In machine learning community, semi-supervised learning (SSL) has been introduced with the aim of incorporating unlabeled samples into the... 

    Conditional Access System Design for DVB-T Receiver

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Ramazi, Ramin (Author) ; Hesabi, Shaahin (Supervisor) ; Sharifkhani, Mohammad (Supervisor)
    In the Pay-TV industry, it is necessary to limit access of unauthorized users. Conditional Access System (CAS) is the solution. In the Pay-TV, the ability of instant join and leave operation is desirable for users. On the other hand, this characteristic is in contradiction with growth of user number.
    Previous proposed conditional access systems address the requirement of pay-TV from several aspects. Key distribution management is on of them which plays a key role in the security and efficiency of a conditional access system. Re-examining the process of key distribution management make it possible to find a way to provide a greater flexibility for the users.
    The purpose of this... 

    A Data Replication Algorithm to Improve Performance of Cloud Data Centers

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mehri, Saeedeh (Author) ; Movaghar, Ali (Supervisor)
    The daily growth of cloud computing usage for data based applications and Internet services has caused many challenges in the sense of storage cost, data access performance, QoS provision such as availability, scalability, pay-as-you-go model conformation and etc. Data replication is one of the most important mechanisms for data management in distributed systems. It creates some replicas of data and distributes them to the network. The number of replicas, the time for creating a new replica, the way of their distribution among the nodes and replica replacement strategy in the case of storage unavailability are some important challenges in data replication context. Replication is extensively... 

    Enhancing Scalability in Software-defined Networks

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Shakeri, Sara (Author) ; Jahangir, Amir Hossein (Supervisor)
    Software Defined Networking (SDN) is an emerging paradigm which makes the network programmable by separating the control plane from data plane and makes both planes to work independently. There is a centralized controller and a programmable data plane in these networks architecture and forwarding data packets is realized by programming the data plane via an open interface called OpenFlow. OpenFlow is a communication protocol between control and data planes. The centralized architecture of these networks provides a global view of the underlying network to upper applications and brings numerous advantages such as routing, traffic engineering and QoS control. Despite these advantages there are... 

    A CDN Architecture to be used in SDN

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Afshar Safavi, Roohollah (Author) ; Hemmatyar, Ali Mohammad Afshin (Supervisor)
    In recent years, the usage of Internet bandwidth has been increased by emerging applications such as Video on Demand (VoD).As the popularity of VoD increases among the Internet users, some new problems like bandwidth limitations and congestion embark. For solving mentioned problems, Content Delivery Networks (CDN) has been introduced. Using CDN approaches either in ISP or organization is also known as Telco CDN. Generally implementing CDN approaches to process all requests either in ISP or organization can cause bottleneck. On the other hand, Software Defined Networks (SDN) could bring us new tools and opportunities which enables us to implement novel methods to confront these problems.... 

    Evaluating Energy Efficiency and Scalability of Timing Channel- protection Techniques exploited Exploited for Single Chip Cloud Computer

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Asgharzadeh Donighi, Ashkan (Author) ; Hesabi, Shahin (Supervisor)
    Although cloud porcessors have lots of benefits, they have brought new challenges for designers; one of these issues, is information leakage through Timing Channel Attack in shared hardware resources. Among these shared resources, main memory controller is less understood. Also applying timing channel protection technquies to shared memory controller, in comparison with other parts such as NoC, caches, etc, can impose high performance overhead to system throughput. Temporal Partitioning (TP) is the baseline secure scheduling algorithm that was proposed for cope with timing channel attack in shared memory controller; but beside this protection, TP compels high performance degradation. In this... 

    All-Optical Scalable Multi-stage Interconnection Network for Data Centers

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Movahederad, Mahdieh (Author) ; Koohi, Somayeh (Supervisor)
    According to the increasing amount of data exchanged among data centers, the need for speeding up and bandwidth and reduced power consumption has been increased. The information show that about 77% of the data is moved into the data centers. On the other hand, 10% of data center’s power consumption is used to data transmission. Improving the interconnection network of data centers can play an important role in reducing power consumption and speeding up. In recent years, optical interconnects have gained attention as a promising solution. Nevertheless, offering an all-optical and efficient architecture is an important issue. In this study, we intend to provide a multi-stage, all-optical... 

    Detailed Kinetic Study of Acid Leaching of Uranium ore and Derivation of a Scalable Mathematical Model for it

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Rahimi, Morteza (Author) ; Otukesh, Mohammad (Supervisor) ; Karimi Sabet, Jadad (Supervisor) ; Ghodsinejad, Davood (Co-Supervisor)
    The leaching process is the first stage in the process of extracting uranium out of the ore. The leaching, based on the used material is divided into two main methods of acidic and alkali leaching. Each of these two techniques have their own pros and cones. It is notable that due to lower costs, and faster kinetics, the acid leaching is the first option of the mines unless the percentage of carbonates (and the other acid-soluble materials) in the ore are too high that makes this process uneconomical because of higher acid consumption. The kinetics of the acid leaching of the uranium depends on various parameters such as acid concentration, the particle size, exposure time and the temperature... 

    Distributed Latency Aware Virtual Machine Placement for Multiple Applications in Mobile Edge Clouds

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Hashemi, Boshra Sadat (Author) ; Goudarzi, Maziar (Supervisor)
    In the near future, we will see a new generation of cellular networks called 5G. Due to the growing number of users and applications, cloud computing does not provide users needs. Edge servers can be used at radio base stations for this purpose. Edge server is a limited processing unit that allows users to perform their processing operations as close as possible. Therefore, the distance between the user and the service will be reduced and as a result the response time is greatly decreased.Cloud-based services are supported by specific software that are deployed in a virtual machine. The number of virtual machines of different applications is fewer than the number of edge servers in the... 

    A Prediction based Dynamic Tracking Algorithm For Wireless Sensor Networks

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Sanaei Asl, Arman (Author) ; Hemmatyar, Ali Mohammad Afshin (Supervisor) ; Jahangeri, Amir Hossein (Co-Supervisor)
    Recently, advances in the fabrication and integration of sensing, communication technologies and economical deployment of large scale sensor networks which are capable of large scale target tracking, become possible.therfore, the wireless sensor networks are a fast growing and marvelous research area that has attracted considerable research attention in the recent past. The creation of large-scale sensor networks interconnencting several hundered to a few thousand sensor nodes opens-up several wide range of application and technical challenges. Sensor nodes have been deployed to play significant roles in battlefield, disaster-prone area, traffic control, habitat monitoring and intruder... 

    Performance Evaluation of Large-Scale Delay Tolerant Networks

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Dalili Yazdi, Amir (Author) ; Movaghar, Ali (Supervisor)
    This researⅽh investigates the perforⅿanⅽe of epiⅾeⅿiⅽ routing، in ⅿobiⅼe soⅽiaⅼ net−works (ⅯSNs)، whiⅽh ⅿakes use of the store−ⅽarry−forwarⅾ paraⅾigⅿ for ⅽoⅿⅿuni−ⅽation. Reaⅼ−ⅼife ⅿobiⅼity traⅽes show that peopⅼe have skeweⅾ ⅼoⅽation visiting pref−erenⅽes، with soⅿe pⅼaⅽes visiteⅾfrequentⅼy anⅾ soⅿe others infrequentⅼy. In orⅾer to ⅿoⅾeⅼ epiⅾeⅿiⅽ routing in ⅯSNs، we first anaⅼyze the tiⅿe taken for a noⅾe to ⅿeet the first noⅾe beⅼonging to a set of noⅾes restriⅽteⅾ to ⅿove in a speⅽifiⅽ subarea. Af−terwarⅾs، two networks are ⅽonsiⅾereⅾ. For eaⅽh network، a ⅿonoⅼithiⅽ stoⅽhastiⅽ re−warⅾ net (SRN) is proposeⅾ to evaⅼuate the ⅾeⅼivery ⅾeⅼay anⅾ the average nuⅿber of transⅿissions unⅾer... 

    Production Planning and Configuration Selection in a Reconfigurable Manufacturing System (RMS) Considering Raw Materials

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Keshavarz Mohammadian, Mohammad Reza (Author) ; Houshmand, Mahmoud (Supervisor)
    The Reconfigurable manufacturing system (RMS) was first introduced in 1996 with the ability to respond quickly to market changes and in response to global competition between companies. The effort of this research is to expand the problem presented in the Moghaddam et al. (2019) by introducing the concept of raw materials for the production of parts and related issues such as purchasing and warehousing raw materials, and providing a suitable solution to the problem. In the basic article, the RMS should utilize the best combination of machines and their configurations in proportion to the demand of the products in order to minimize the cost and produce all the demand. In this study, a large... 

    Routing Off-chain Payments in Payment Channel Networks

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Dadjuy, Hadi (Author) ; Hemmatyar, Ali Mohammad Afshin (Supervisor)
    In 2008, a decentralized and distributed payment solution called Bitcoin was born. Since then, it has made the payment industry think about banks and companies on the one hand and government authorities on the other. By using mathematics and cryptography, Bitcoin was able to eliminate the need for trust and in this way it was able to eliminate intermediaries such as banks. In traditional financial affairs such as banks, the user must trust the bank and everything relies on the bank’s servers. While Bitcoin stores the history of transactions in a public and distributed ledger. This ledger is encrypted so that the state of the blockchain is always reliable. In Bitcoin’s decentralized and... 

    A Fast and Scalable Network-on-Chip for DNN Accelerators

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Tahmasebi, Faraz (Author) ; Sarbazi Azad, Hamid (Supervisor)
    Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) are widely used as a promising machine learning method in different applications and come with intensive computation and storage requirements. In recent years, several pieces of prior work have proposed different accelerators to improve DNNs processing. We observe that although the state-of-the-art DNN accelerators effectively process some network layers of certain shapes, they fail to keep computation resources fully utilized for many other layers. The reason is twofold: first, the mapping algorithm is unable to employ all compute cores for processing some layer types and dimension sizes, and second, the hardware cannot perform data distribution and aggregation... 

    Improvement of Scalability in Model-Driven Engineering by Using Microservice Architecture

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Sabeghi, Mohamad Reza (Author) ; Ramsin, Raman (Supervisor)
    Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) methodologies play an important role in developing software systems. The main focus in MDE methodologies is on constructing and refining the models of the system based on meta-models of specific domains. MDE methodologies' proliferation in the software industry has been mainly due to their capabilities in automatic generation of code and other artifacts throughout the development process. This removes the need for constructing extra structures and repetitively performing certain practices during the development process. MDE methodologies also enable software solutions to be implemented based on various platforms and technologies. Moreover, they offer...