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A Meta-Heuristic Approach for a Special Class of Job Shop Scheduling Problem
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Koorosh, Eshghi (Supervisor)
The job shop scheduling problem is an important and applicable optimization problem and has been attracted by many researchers in recent decades. A huge amount of applications of job shop scheduling problem in industries and services has been found yet. During the last decade, the sequence dependent setup time constraint has been considered in many researches, but with respect to the knowledge of authors, very few of these researches have considered the inseparable setup. Furthermore, few of them have considered the release date assumption. In this thesis, the classical job shop scheduling problem and the inseparable sequence dependent setup time and release date constrained problem have...
Routing and Schedueling for Hazardous Materials Shipment
M.Sc. Thesis
Sharif University of Technology
Zokaei Aashtiani, Hedayat
Shipment of hazardous materials has got an important role in the world of today. Nowadays, sustainable development has got serious attention, and human health and environment are one of the sustainable development bases. The risk of hazardous materials for human health and environment, and also importance of this kind of materials in the industrial economy, make necessity of programming for shipment of hazardous materials more serious. This thesis, presents an optimiziation model for routing and scheduling for shipment of hazardous materials. This model is a multi criteria time varing mixed integer programming (MIP). The presented model, finds the optimal routs and scheduling of movement...
Determination of the Departure Sequence Under Holding Area Queue Interchanges in an Airport
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Kianfar, Farhad (Supervisor)
In this thesis departure programming are studied in general state and takeoff programming studied in special state. Departure programming consists of several parts that decisions for each part may influence in the other parts. Because of unforeseen delays this problem is a dynamic problem. Holding area is a part that overtaking operations performance before takeoff. An initial sequence obtained from ground controller. A heuristic algorithm that used in this thesis is a hybrid of constraint satisfaction and dynamic programming for minimizing sum of the total delays. The performance of the heuristic algorithm is compared with tabu search algorithm. The result shows that the proposed algorithm...
Constructing a Class Library to Implement the Project Scheduling Algorithms on Primavera
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Shadrokh, Shahram (Supervisor)
In this research we investigate one of the heuristic algorithms of scheduling, Squeaky Wheel Optimization (SWO) in order to solve an RCPSP problem with minimization of Makespan as the objective function; and we will implement this algorithm on Primavera which is one of the most popular software systems in Project Management. The main purpose of this project is to prepare a way to implement the scheduling algorithms on one of the popular Project Management Software Systems. Hence, we have created an application which can interact with this kind of systems, gets data from their databases, run a scheduling algorithm on it, and updates the data in the databases. One of the main characteristics...
Analysis, Evaluation and Improving the Performance and Power consumption of Mapping and Scheduling algorithms in Network on Chip
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Vosoughi Vahdat, Bijan (Supervisor) ; Hessabi, Shaahin (Supervisor)
According to Moor’s law, the number of transistors per chip would double every 1.5 years. It means that the number of processors, memory and hardware cores available on the chip also increases. In SoC, a number of IP cores and communication links or buses are integrated on a chip. According to inefficiency of the interconnection bus used in SoCs for a large number of processors, NoC has been introduced in the beginning of the current decade. In the NoC paradigm a router-based network is used for packet switched on-chip communication among cores. A typical NoC architecture will provide a scalable communication infrastructure for interconnecting cores. One of the most important features of...
A Two Criteria Objective Function Flexible Flowshop Scheduling Problem With Machine Eligibility Constraint
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Salmasi, Nasser (Supervisor)
This study strives to minimize a two-criterion objective function of a flexible flow shop scheduling problem with receipt and delivery of jobs in groups and processing them individually. Every group of jobs has a release time, which means that all jobs are not available at the beginning of the planning horizon. Moreover, due to the special characteristics of every job in a group, only a subset of machines at each stage are eligible to process that job. This problem has many applications in production and service industries, such as restaurants and ceramic tile manufacturing companies. The objective function is determined based on the practical applications of the problem. It deals with...
Improving QoS in Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks (WMANs) for Multimedia Applications
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Rabiei, Hamid Reza (Supervisor)
Multimedia applications which exploit the network resources are best provided in broadband networks. Additionally, broadband wireless access systems enable broadband access in places where the wired solutions are not applicable. The IEEE 802.16 standard is designed to provide broadband wireless access and addresses the PHY and MAC layers of wireless metropolitan area networks. This standard has been designed to support quality of service for different applications, and due to their various requirements has considered four classes of service for connections. However, quality of service support mechanisms (such as admission control and packet scheduling), are out of the scope of the standard....
Developing a New Prediction Method for Grid Environments
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Habibi, Jafar (Supervisor)
In this project we have worked on the new architecture of the auction based resource scheduling, from the bidders point of view. The performance of different bidding strategies for the resources which participate in reverse auction system has been investigated; our main parameter for evaluating different bidding strategies is the amount of the profit gained by resources which follow such strategies. The main historical bidding strategies are created based on two famous predictors ES and AUTO-REGRESSION. In addition a game theory approach has been proposed. We have shown that our bidding algorithm (based on the sequential game model) reaches to an equilibrium point if all the bidders follow...
Creating Bus Timetables with Maximum Synchronization
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Zokaei Aashtiani, Hedayat (Supervisor)
Improving synchronization in a bus network has a profound effect on reducung waiting times and increasing satisfaction of system’s users. By doing so, the scheduler create a more attractive transit system that generates the opportunity for increasing the number of riders. In this research, the problem of creating timetables with maximum synchronization is modeled as a mixed integer programing (MIP) problem. The objective of this model is to minimize the total waiting times of passengers at transfer nodes. For this purpose, the model take advantage of uneven headways. Some of features that distinguish this research are more realistic objective function, and considering adjacent departures...
Content Aware Packet Scheduling in Peer-to-Peer Video Streaming
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Rabiee, Hamid Reza (Supervisor)
The accessibility of broadband Internet to home users has pushed video broadcasting applications up, in the list of most favorite applications in todays Internet. Such applications involve delivering the data which generated in a single sender to a set of users which are scattered around the world. While it was formerly believed that the IP-Multicasting is the mean to provide this kind of services, the trend has altered to the use of Application Layer Multicasting techniques due to their deployment simplicty. Since their advent, Peer to Peer applications has mitigated many problems previously unsolved in the field of communication. File sharing, distributed file systems, distributed data...
Pricing on Job-Shop Scheduling Problem
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Haji, Alireza (Supervisor)
In this Thesis pricing has been used in Job-shop scheduling problem in detailed scheduling point of view. Also, in this study, due date is price-dependent variable in wich the manufacturer has the ability to choose one item from some pairs of prices and due dates for every jobs in order to maximize the total profit, i.e. revenue less scheduling cost. In this problem, total weighted tardiness has been choosen for scheduling cost. In this research, pairs of prices and due dates has been studied. According to the complexity of this problem, a Genetic algorithm has been proposed to solving the problem. As a managerial insight, it shown that joint optimization of pricing and scheduling decisions...
Performance Evaluation of Grid Scheduling Algorithms Based on Market Theory
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Movaghar Rahimabadi, Ali (Supervisor)
Resource sharing is one of the most interesting features of grid computing. These resources can include CPU, main memory, secondry memory, network bandwith, or data. How to allocate these resources to the tasks remains a complex problem in this domain. The concentration of this thesis is on workflow scheduling. In this case, the works are composed of several tasks, in the way that some tasks have control or data dependency with others. In other words, we have to schedule a DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) representation of tasks on limited proceccing units. The principle of workflow scheduling optimization is to minimize the makespan, but in the economic scheduling, cost reduction beside...
Operating Theatre Scheduling to Minimize Waiting Times
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Akbari Jokar, Mohammad Reza (Supervisor)
The most common procedure of operating theatre scheduling in hospitals consists of two major steps called assignment and sequencing. In the first step, patients are assigned to a so called block (part of an operating room time in a specific day). The sequencing step is usually executed a day before the pre-defined day. In this step, the head nurse makes a sequence of the operations while she consults with the relating surgeons and considers all of the conditions and then the patients are informed about their operation time. Although the head nurse does not have a biased look, surgeons usually believe that the schedule is unfair to them. Moreover, the schedule is prepared through trial and...
Determination of Loading and Unloading Program in a Cross-Docking System
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Akbari Jokar, Mohammad Reza (Supervisor)
Using the cross docking is a strategy that plays inventory coordinating role in the supply chain. At the cross docking, products of inbound trucks are unloaded, sorted, moved and loaded onto outbound trucks for delivery to different destinations. In this concept, coordination between inbound and outbound trucks considering a cross-dock system with multiple receiving and shipping dock doors. Moreover, due to justifiability of all trucks to carry multiple product types, product assignment from inbound trucks to outbound trucks is determined simultaneous to scheduling. As an exact solution approach a MIP model is presented and since the problem is shown to be NP-hard, it can only be used to...
The Simultaneous Berth and Quay Crane Scheduling
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Salmasi, Naser (Supervisor)
This study addresses the simultaneous berth and quay crane (QC) scheduling problem in a container terminal. The berths are considered as a continuous area and the vessels arrive dynamically. QCs are allowed to move to other vessels before completing the process on an assigned vessel.The objective function is determined based on the practical applications of the problem. It deals with minimization of sum of the completion time of vessels. In this research, a mathematical model has been developed for the research problem. According to NP-hardness of the research problem, two meta heuristic algorithms based on Tabu Search are proposed. To solve the problem, these methods have two layers with...
Scheduling on Parallel Machines with Preemption and Transportation Delays using a Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)-Based Algorithm
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Shadrokh, Shahram (Supervisor)
This research deals with the problem of scheduling independent preemptive jobs on identical parallel machines, to minimize the total completion time (makespan). The transportation of an interrupted job from a machine to another machine requires considering a constant transportation delay i.e., Pm|prmp(delay)| Cmax. This delay is called transportation delay. We propose a Mixed Integer Linear Programming formulation for the research problem in case of two machines i.e., P2|prmp(delay)| Cmax. Since the research problem is shown to be NP-hard, a particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm is applied to solve the problem approximately. Based on the frequency of using local search procedure, three...
Patient Allocation and Scheduling in Healthcare
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Shavandi, Hassan (Supervisor)
One of the main applications of revenue management is in healthcare industry. By combining these two concepts, subjects such as patient allocation and scheduling and no-show rates were developed in the literature. Up until now, allocation and scheduling were considered separately in the literature. Also, no-show rates were predicted using regression models and data mining tools and these predictions were rarely used in scheduling systems. In this thesis, we combined allocation based on patients’ insurance type with scheduling based on patients’ no-show rates. Also, patients’ no-show rates were predicted and these rates were used in the proposed scheduling model. Firstly, the integrated...
Train Scheduling on a two-Way and Single Track Railway Line Considering the Train Stops for Prayer
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Salmasi, Naser (Supervisor)
Train scheduling is one of the most complicated stages of railway planning. In this stage, the arrival and departure times of trains at stations are determined. In this thesis, we studied train scheduling on a two-way and single track railway in order to minimize the total travel times of trains subject to a set of operational constraints and prayer time related constraints that determines the optimal station for prayer. In this project, we tried to simulate the real constraints exist in IRAN railway network and the objective function considers customer’s and railway management’s satisfaction, simultaneously. First, a mathematical programming is proposed for this problem. After demonstrating...
Wireless LAN Scheduling for Achieving Multiuser Diversity and QoS
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Golestani, Jamaloddin (Supervisor)
Increasing demand for higher data rates and more reliable communications along with growing applications of multimedia networks in everyday life on one hand, and limited resources on the other, have given rise to researches investigating spectrum efficiency enhancement techniques, among which multiuser diversity has always been of considerable importance. This thesis is a study on utilization of multiuser diversity in wireless LANs via scheduling. Where throughput and Quality of Service (QoS) in communication networks are being investigated, it is mostly advantageous to describe the traffic behavior of resources by greedy or non-greedy models. So far, there are plenty of investigations on...
Iranian Professional Football League’s Scheduling
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Kianfar, Ferydoon (Supervisor)
Finding a proper and fair schedule for sport competitions has been an important issue, especially these days which professional sports has became a large scale business and profitability of sport competitions depends on the quality of the schedule.
Hence in the last three decades sport scheduling has been considered by computer science and operation research scientists.
Professional soccer league consists of many teams which compete in one round or double round robin tournament every year. In round robin tournaments each team has two matches, one at their own place and the other one at the competitors place. The main issues of the sport scheduling are the round and the host of...
Hence in the last three decades sport scheduling has been considered by computer science and operation research scientists.
Professional soccer league consists of many teams which compete in one round or double round robin tournament every year. In round robin tournaments each team has two matches, one at their own place and the other one at the competitors place. The main issues of the sport scheduling are the round and the host of...