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    Rationality of Scientific Knowledge From the Point of View of Feyerabend

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Zali, Farshid (Author) ; ZibaKalam, Saeed (Supervisor)
    Feyerabend was a philosopher of science that became famous for his purportedly anarchistic view of science and his rejection of the existence of universal methodological rules and rationality of science. Feyerabend’s view of science can be summarize in a few points; 1. On the issue of falsifiability, Feyerabend argues that no theory is ever consistent with all the relevant facts. He sees the use of ad-hoc postulates to save the dominant paradigm as an essential to the progress of science. He claims that scientists frequently depart completely from the scientific method when they use ad-hoc ideas to explain observations that are only later justified by theory. To Feyerabend, ad-hoc... 

    Methodology of Religious ScienceWith Respect to Dr.Golshani’s Theory of Religious Scienceand Dr.Khosropanah’s Hikmai-Ejtihadi’s Pattern on Humanities

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Rahemi, Mohammad Hossein (Author) ; Golshani, Mehdi (Supervisor) ; Khosropanah, Abdolhossien (Co-Advisor)
    If we accept that there is a thing called “religious Science”, then we should accept that, all of its scientific elements should be based on, or be compatible with religion (in its general meaning). So, here is the question: Is there a particular “religious methodology” required for the “religious science”? Does “religious”, as an adjective also applies to methodology of science? Anyway, if we want to generate “religious science” based on religious foundations, we should characterize our position about “methodology of religious science”. Negligence of this important subject would cause a theoretical vacuum in discussions about religious science. In this thesis, after explaining some general... 

    On the Possibility and Realization of a Science-Technology System Based on Religion

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Taqavi, Mostafa (Author) ; Golshani, Mehdi (Supervisor)
    The worldview and value system can use a cognitive-normative framework to select and shape science and technology. Of course, this framework is not the sole factor in shaping and selecting science and technology. The context in which science and technology flourish is also an important factor. Thus a religious science and technology is possible. Furthermore one can find many examples in the contemporary science and technology which are rooted in a secular and naturalistic outlook., but one can shape a science and technology which are rooted in religious worldview and value system. These examples show that one can generate a religious type of science and technology ,but in order to do this... 

    A Critical Assessment of Nicholas Maxwell’s Ideas Concerning the Need for Revolution in Science

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Saeedifar, Saeed (Author) ; Golshani, Mehdi (Supervisor)
    In addition to the successes of modern science and technology in helping humanity, science has brought harmful effects ,which has led to criticisms from different domains such ethics, religion, politics, philosophy , etc. Nicholas Maxwell as an Emeritus Reader in the Philosophy of Science has shown , in several of his works, the harmful byproducts of science, and has proposed some ideas for bring about a revolution in the philosophy of science. His main thesis is to change the academic and non-academic aim of works, from knowledge to wisdom. In summary, his concerns are: inappropriate metaphysical presuppositions concerning the comprehensibility of our universe, attention to rational... 

    Realism in the Battle with Scientific Anti-realism: Does Scientific Realism Have Capacity of Overcoming Antirealistic Challenges?

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Akbari Takhtameshlou, Javad (Author) ; Golshani, Mehdi (Supervisor)
    Earlier in the philosophical tradition, the realists’ view that world exist in itself, independently of our knowledge, had been challenged by idealists, who denied such existence and considered the world and its objects as a function of (our) perception. Today, some philosophers have challenged the (scientific) realists’ belief in the existence of scientific unobservable entities, such as electrons, quarks, forces, gravitational fields, cells, bacteria, genes and so on, that are posited by the modern scientific theories. The debates which have been made in this regard, in recent decades, have spurred an important controversy known as “scientific realism and antirealism debate” in the field... 

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology (Author) ; Golshani, M (Supervisor)
    Most of local thinkers ,who were influenced by Western philosophers of science, and have spoken about religious knowledge, have selected experimental science as standard science and Have tried to find a way trough cultural and other non-scientific channels of science to influence the field of human knowledge by religious teaching's .This expert's are generally opposed to positivist’s models of science, but because of the nature of the Western atmosphere that they breathe, consider the experimental science as the main model of knowledge and the experience as the main method of Acquisition of knowledge. Paya is also one of this thinkers who is influenced by Karl Popper's ideas about the... 

    Heidegger on Science and Tool (Emphasized on "Being and Time")

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Khalili, Mahdi (Author) ; Sefidkhosh, Meisam (Supervisor) ; Taghavi, Mostafa (Co-Advisor)
    This thesis is going to investigate the ontological foundation of Science and Tool. To this aim, it refers to Heidegger’s works especially the Being and time. Heidegger gets involve in analyzing Science in the Being and Time. He emphasizes on importance of establishment of a fundamental knowledge which should ontologically recognize basic concepts and methods of Sciences, to cause a real progress in sciences. Heidegger also asserts that the Mathematical interpretation of the world is not a fundamental, and it must be replaced with phenomenological interpretation, which clarifies the ontological foundation of the theoretical view, and regards to all aspects of world’s existence. In this... 

    Philosophical Approach of Slamic Thinkers Toward Technology Explanation and Critique Ayatollah Khameneie, Ayatollah Motahari and Dr. Nasr Attituude

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Namazi, Mohammad (Author) ; Hosseini, Hassan (Supervisor)
    Technology is one of the most important aspects of human life at the present time. It can be said that there is no part of human life that is not affected by technology, that is, the most important aspects of human life, namely economic, social and political issues, are independent of technological technology and technology. Technology is not independent of the social systems in which they are formed. In such a situation, one can expect from Islam as a religion claiming human guidance in the most important aspects of life, which can not be ignored by technology and its place in human life, and can provide a way to interact. Human and technology and technology development in the community. In... 

    The Necessity of Considering Technology in Philosophical Reflections about Science

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Ariana, Farhad (Author) ; Taqavi, Mostafa (Supervisor)
    One of the most important characteristics of us humans is that we are homofaber beings, and with the help of technology we transform our living conditions, and perceptions of ourselves and the world. Technology, then, plays and important role in all branches of philosophy, and especially in philosophy of science. Without, technological instruments, little scientific research can be found that can be accomplished. Many of the processes involved in scientific researches, such as experimentation and measurement, are rooted in technology. This thesis aims to examine how technology impacts science. Philosophers and historians of science have usually paid little attention to the influence of... 

    On The Foundation of Cognitive Sciences: A Critique of Neurotheology

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Solgi, Farshid (Author) ; Hosseini, Hassan (Supervisor)
    One of the tasks of philosophy of science is to study the pre-suppositions involved in the natural sciences, to study the concepts used in scientific researches and theorizing. Hence, neglecting philosophy and even the modality of philosophical views, can have devastating effects on any science, including psychology (if it can be called science). Wittgenstein believed that in psychology we are confronted with experimental methods and conceptual confusion, and that this confusion does not go away with giving the title of young knowledge to the psychology. The emergence and dominance of behaviorism can be attributed to the effects of positivism and the uncomprehensive interpretation of physics...