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    Hydrodynamic Simulation and Flow Pattern Analysis of Shark Undulation Motions

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Ebrahimi Chamkakaei, Mohsen (Author) ; Abbaspour Tehrani Fard, Majid (Supervisor)
    Many species in nature exist which human can reach the aims of flying and swimming by inspiring from them. Observations show that fish can use their especial undulating motions of body/fins to crusing, increase performance, suddenly acceleration, and maneuvering. To design a robot fish and benefit the characteristics and abilities of a live fish, using its real geometry and kinematics in the robot is vital. Therefore, simulations are essential to better exploiting the fish behavior, which can obtain useful consequences by using computational fluid dynamics. In this thesis, first the kinematics of sharks is investigated. Then, investigations are accomplished by utilizing an unsteady finite...