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Mathematics of Sudoku: Problems and Applications
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Mahmoodian, Ebadollah (Supervisor)
There are many fun plays and Sudoku is one of the most popular one. Although this game was published in 1979 for the first time as a puzzle in American magazine, it was published continuously from 1986 in Japan. This game has been known as an internationally popular game since 2005 and its national completion was held in Philadelphia. Sudoku had been considered as a hobby for several years before its mathematical importance was known in articles such as “Taking Sudoku seriously” and “The science behind Sudoku”. Using a lot of computer times, Gary McGuire et al in their article “There is no 16-Clue Sudoku: Solving the Sudoku Minimum Number of Clues Problem” found that the minimum number of...
Mathematical Problems of Sudoku Puzzle and their Relationship
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Mahmoodian, Ebadollah (Supervisor)
The Sudoku puzzle is played on a 9 × 9 grid which is divided into nine boxes each with 3 × 3 cells. Initially, some digits between 1 and 9 are given on the grid as the clues. Generalized Sudoku (a table of n2 by n2 that includes n2 blocks with n cells and in each of its rows, columns and blocks has all numbers from 1 to n2 appeared once and only once) can be considered too. Millions of people around the world are tackling one of the hardest problems in computer science without even knowing it. The first such puzzle appeared in the May 1979 edition of Dell P encil P uzzles and W ord Games and, according to research done by W ill Shortz, the crossword editor of the N ew Y ork T imes, was...
Mathematics of Sudoku: Solving Techniques, Difficulty Degree, Graph Theory and Linear Algebraic Approach
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Mahmoodian, Ebadollah (Supervisor)
Sudoku is an intellectual game based on mathematics. Sudoku achieved global fame in a short time because this game doesn’t need any mathematical operation like addition and multiplication and in theory, instead of numbers, lechers, shapes,colors, etc. could be placed.Sudoku which is a single-player game in generally the player should complete a partial n2 × n2 matrix M all of whose enteries are drawn from {1; 2,..., n2} by applying the rules: no number may appear more than once in any row, any column,or any of the nine ‘‘blocks’’. Actually blocks are n × n submatrixs with indices {na + 1, na + 2,…, na + n} × {nb + 1, nb + 2,….., nb + n} Actually, A Sudoku is A Latin square with one...