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    Design and Impacts of Virtual Reality Games on Social and Cognitive Skills of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Abbasi, Sajjad (Author) ; Taheri, Alireza (Supervisor) ; Meghdari, Ali (Supervisor)
    Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder for which there is no definitive cure and it is increasing every year for people with this disorder. In the last decade, the use of virtual environment to improve the skills of people on the autism spectrum has increased. In this research, a semi-intelligent algorithm was designed for a virtual reality game that could provide a more appropriate step to the user according to the user's responses. Our focus is on designing games to strengthen the child in terms of shared attention and eye contact. In other words, we seek to create a virtual environment with the ability to intelligently adapt to interact with our user and turn it into a suitable coaching...