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Selecting List Cost Route in SMS Networks
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Haji, Rasol (Supervisor)
Introductions: The routing Problem in SMS networks, start from subscriber called origin and end to other subscriber called destination. SMSs passed throw the switches, relay and routers. When the traffic of a SMS network increase, a global optimization is required to reduce the charge that SMS center must be paid meanwhile maximize total flow and minimize delivery time.
Methods: in this study after investigation in Short Message service, Routing Algorithms and letreture review, first we used our models for Telephone networks. The total model with Features and constrains was build. In order apply this model on Mobile networks, with using Latin Multy Plications Algorithms we develope a...
Methods: in this study after investigation in Short Message service, Routing Algorithms and letreture review, first we used our models for Telephone networks. The total model with Features and constrains was build. In order apply this model on Mobile networks, with using Latin Multy Plications Algorithms we develope a...