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    Improving the Measurement of the Chemiluminescence of Methylidyne (CH*)Species with the Help of Thermometry by Soot Pyrometry Method

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Asadollahi, Mohsen (Author) ; Salehi, Mohammad Mahdi (Supervisor) ; Mardani, Amir (Supervisor)
    This research introduces temperature measurement by a non-intrusive pyrometric method of the ratio of two colors of soot. For pyrometry, the spectral sensitivity of the Nikon D7100 camera was obtained by developing a neural network based on the results of photographing colored papers and their spectrum, and this camera was used for temperature measurement. Based on the dependence of soot radiation on temperature and the spectral sensitivity of the camera, a calibration chart has been extracted on the ratio of the green channel to the red channel of the camera with the soot temperature, which is used to produce the temperature contour using the flame image. The temperature contour of...