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New S-norm and T-norm Operators for ALM
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Bagheri Shouraki, Saeed (Supervisor)
Active Learning Method (ALM) is a soft computing methodology which has been used for modeling and control. Unlike the good results of ALM’s ability, there is not any analytic expression to prove its power, because ALM’s main operators don’t satisfy fuzzy S-norm & T-norm properties. This problem considered from three viewpoints: Mathematics, Geometry and fuzzy sets. In this paper, we try to introduce two new operators based on morphology to satisfy three conditions: at first, they must be fuzzy S-norm and T-norm to confirm the committal of fuzzy set theory. Secondly, they must satisfy Demorgans law, because they are complement of each other. And finally, they resemble the main operators of...