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Design and Construction the Low Cost Catalyst for Removal of VOCs from Air
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Shaygan Salek, Jalaloddin (Supervisor)
Nowadays, increased pollutants in the air threat the society health condition and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) are the most hazardous ones among them. In the present study, catalytic oxidation as a prominent of the VOCs removal method from air, have attracted attentions due to high removal efficiency and suitable kinetic reaction. Because of its common industrial applications, toluene is intended to be eliminated through a low cost carbon supported catalyst which is synthesised in the laboratory. Construction method, carbonaceous support type, catalyst metal and its load, calcination temperature and time are among influencing design characteristics. A combination of Impregnation and...
Synthesis and Optimization of Metal Oxide Catalysts Supported on Nano-structured Alumina for Oxidation of Toluene from Contaminated Air
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Khorashe, Farhad (Supervisor) ; Kazemeni, Mohammad (Supervisor)
Exhaust gases from poultry rendering facilities contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that are a nuisance, odorous, and smog and particulate matter precursors. Other available treatment options, such as thermal and catalytic incineration require temperature intensive inputs and form additional greenhouse gases. Hence, an inexpensive alternative technology is needed to eliminate these air pollutants. This research investigated the catalytic oxidation of toluene vapors using novel dispersed nano catalysts derived from new preparation method. The combined impregnation (IMP) and deposition-precipitation (DP) was used to prepare supported transition metal oxide catalyst over commercial and...
Design and Synthesis of Supported Metal Oxide Catalysts on Activated Carbon for Removal of VOCs from Air
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Shaygan Salek, Jalaloddin (Supervisor) ; Khorasheh, Farhad (Supervisor)
Emission of aromatic and aliphatic compounds to atmosphere is a major environmental concern for many urban societies. Catalytic oxidation of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) is an efficient and low operating cost technology for reduction of air pollution.
First, dispersed copper oxide nano-catalysts supported on almond shell-based activated carbon were prepared for catalytic oxidation of toluene in air. The Response Surface Methodology (RSM) was used to express the catalyst removal efficiency in terms of catalyst metal loading and calcination temperature. Calcination temperature had a significant effect on the catalyst activity only at high metal loadings (upper 8% wt.). Two different...
First, dispersed copper oxide nano-catalysts supported on almond shell-based activated carbon were prepared for catalytic oxidation of toluene in air. The Response Surface Methodology (RSM) was used to express the catalyst removal efficiency in terms of catalyst metal loading and calcination temperature. Calcination temperature had a significant effect on the catalyst activity only at high metal loadings (upper 8% wt.). Two different...
Effect of Relative Humidity on Catalytic Combustion of Toluene over Nano Copper Based Catalysts with Nano Alumina Supports
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Khorasheh, Farhad (Supervisor) ; Badkhshann, Amir (Supervisor)
Volatile organic materials are amongst the most important air pollutants that presence of the moisture in polluted air during oxidation process are the most difficult to remove volatile contaminants using catalysts. In this study, nano-copper oxide catalyst on nano-alumina for complete oxidation of toluene in the presence of moisture at different temperatures and atmospheric pressure were examined. Alumina basic using co-precipitation and sol-gel methods have been synthesized, which is for the first time that alumina tri-second-butyl pre-manufacturer have been used for gamma-nano-alumina by sole gel method was used. Surface properties of synthesized nano-alumina have been studies by various...
Synthesis Deuterated Aromatic Compunds by Supercritical Method
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Outokesh, Mohammad (Supervisor) ; Sajadi, Soudeh (Supervisor)
Green chemistry seeks to reduce or eliminate the use of hazardous substances in the chemical industry through the development of new products and processes .The replacement of harmful, widely used solvents and reagents is a key part of this approach. Supercritical fluid such as CO2 or water are good solvent for replaceement Exchange reactions involving the displacement of hydrogen bonded to carbon by deuterium are of interest in a broad variety of disciplines, such as the preparative chemistry of isotopically labeled materials, fundamental studies of carbonehydrogen bond activation processes, and studies of the nature of catalysts. The low cost of water and its environmental friendliness...