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    Implementing a Lean Management System in a Maufacturing Company Focusing on Lean Production Process

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Katiraei, Kamiar (Author) ; Hooshmand, Mahmoud (Supervisor)
    Lean Management is a set of procedures and processes that ensures firms’ survival in today’s world. Due to the global spread of lean management principles and rapid change of customer requirement in today’s markets, familiarity with these principles and deploying them seems crucial for firms that want to survive. In this research, Lean Management is implemented in a manufacturing company of heating and cooling devices. This process consists of two main processes. In the Business Renewal Process, the firm envisions its future and evaluates itself in nine keys of development based on lean principles. Diagnosis results indicates firm’s relative superiority in Customer Focus and Lean... 

    Developing BIM Vision and BIM Strategic Plan for Municipalities

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Hemmat, Mohammad Amin (Author) ; Alvanchi, Amin (Supervisor)
    The municipality is an administrative, public and non-state institution that falls into the city district of the most countries’ administrative divisions. This institution has relatively autonomy and independent power. Municipalities are trying to apply the best approaches (Such as Building Information Modeling (BIM) as a procedure contributing the project management) to save time and money, as well as to satisfy the citizens in the implementation of civil projects. This study examines and evaluates the readiness of municipalities to modify the construction projects based on BIM. In addition, a pattern for identifying BIM applications, evaluating the organization readiness and the needs of... 

    Synthetic Video Generation Using Test Scene and Subject to Improve Fall Detection Accuracy

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Moharamkhani, Armin (Author) ; Amini, Arash (Supervisor) ; Mohammadzadeh, Nargesolhoda (Supervisor)
    Falling is a prevalent event among elderly people, which sometimes leads to their death. Automatic detection of fall can significantly reduce the resulting damages.Fallings can be detected using various modalities, among which we choose RGB videos captured by CCTV cameras because of its advantages. Due to the great advances in deep learning-based image/video classification methods, we focused on using these methods for fall detection. One of the main challenges in using deep learning methods is lack of enough training data. Unlike other activities, there are not enough falling samples available which is due to its unconscious nature. Moreover, simulating falling by actors can endanger their... 

    Design and Impacts of Virtual Reality Games on Social and Cognitive Skills of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Abbasi, Sajjad (Author) ; Taheri, Alireza (Supervisor) ; Meghdari, Ali (Supervisor)
    Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder for which there is no definitive cure and it is increasing every year for people with this disorder. In the last decade, the use of virtual environment to improve the skills of people on the autism spectrum has increased. In this research, a semi-intelligent algorithm was designed for a virtual reality game that could provide a more appropriate step to the user according to the user's responses. Our focus is on designing games to strengthen the child in terms of shared attention and eye contact. In other words, we seek to create a virtual environment with the ability to intelligently adapt to interact with our user and turn it into a suitable coaching...