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    Kinematic Design of a Parallel Robot in Reduction of Femoral Shaft

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Kazemirad, Siavash (Author) ; Zohoor, Hassan (Supervisor) ; Farahmand, Farzam (Supervisor)
    The goal of fracture reduction in orthopedic surgery is to reposition the bone fragments in their anatomical orientation (alignment), and the fracture ends closed to each other (apposition). Reduction of long bone fractures is became an interesting subject in the field of robotic aided surgery in pervious decade. Nowadays reduction of femur is carried out by surgeons and medical staff in surgery. Due to the large holding forces necessary, exact positioning is difficult and time consuming. What is needed is an automated system whereby the fractured ends of the bone may be precisely positioned without the need for multiple docking attempts. The fragments need to be held in place as long as... 

    Kinematic and Dynamic Analysis and Workspace Optimization of a 3DoF Cable-Based Parallel Robot

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Saber, Omid (Author) ; Zohoor, Hassan (Supervisor)
    Cable-driven robots are referred to as parallel robots actuated with cables. In fact,in such robots rigid links are replaced by cables, which may be extended to desired lengths without making mechanism much heavy. This robot possesses a number of unique properties that makes it suitable for many industrial applications. The main factor which makes cable robots analysis different from other parallel robots is the incapability of cables to push objects. Hence, obtaining the workspace of a cable robot is one of the most important subjects associated with this type of robot.The goal of this thesis is to design a spatial translational cable driven robot, which may be used for object handling. For... 

    Kinematic Design of a Multi-link Cable-driven Robot for Hand Rehabilitation

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Taghavi, Amir Hossein (Author) ; Hassan Zohoor (Supervisor)
    Rehabilitation science has been proved that, in most cases, manipulation of injured body part, repeatedly, can help in returning the performance of that part. So robots can be useful for rehabilitation applications. Rehabilitation robots can record physical parameters such as position, velocity and force, so can play important role in developmentof making decisions on exercise types. Among the existing robots, cable-driven robots have specifications such as vast workspace, low cost, flexibility and light weight which make them suitable for rehabilitation applications.
    The purpose of this research is kinematic design of a multi-link cable-driven robot for arm rehabilitation.In the most of... 

    Shoulder Wearable Rehabilitation Exoskeleton Optimal Design

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Safavi, Amir Hassan (Author) ; Sohrabpour, Saeed (Supervisor) ; Zohoor, Hassan (Co-Advisor)
    Rehabilitation usually involves physical therapy, occupational therapy and counseling for the patient's morale to help to restore his power and performance. Considering the economic outlook and the costs of rehabilitation methods and due to the increasing prevalence of stroke and the need to recover the patients in a short period, only the use of robotic systems opens the door to the medical community. Since a large rehabilitation robots designed and built and each been used according to their advantages and shortcomings. In this project, the major shortcomings examined and exoskeleton designed on two major features including portability and covering shoulder workspace. Shoulder movement was...