Experimental Investigation of the Behavior of Squat Composite Corrugated Shear Walls Under In-Plain Shear
Mehrsoroush, Ali | 2008
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 39193 (09)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Civil Engineering
- Advisor(s): Khalu, Alireza
- Abstract:
- The new lateral load resisting system introduced in this dissertation is a kind of squat composite shear wall consisting of a concrete core as filler and two steel corrugated sheets as cover. Reinforced bars are not used in this kind of construction. Load resisting process of the walls is provided by 3 factors: concrete core, steel corrugated covers on both sides of the central core and shear-friction interaction between the core and covers. There is not any specific formula for their design because of their novelty and few researches on this kind of walls and absence of code provisions. In this project, squat composite walls were constructed with dimensions of 106.8×90 (cm2) from corrugated trapezoid sheets with two different thicknesses of 1 (mm) (Wall SCSW1) and 0.65 (mm) (Wall SCSW2). The overall specimens´ thickness was at least 5 (cm) and at most 9 (cm). Because of unknowing effect of trapezoid sheets interaction with concrete and concrete-steel adhesiveness on strength and behavior, the specimens were not given a specific geometrical scale. The variable parameters of these walls were sheet thickness and connector bolts pattern. These walls were constructed as cantilever beams and were subjected to reversal loading. In this research, deterioration modes, stiffness, strength, ductility, energy absorption capability and sheet-concrete interaction of walls were investigated. Results showed that the ultimate capacity development of such system mainly depends on perimeter connectors’ rigidity so that, if wall connections are strong enough to induce the deterioration in the wall body, then such walls will show high stiffness and ductility and desired energy dissipation. Also Results showed the brittle behavior of this system after it achieved its ultimate lateral capacity. The Shear and flexural capacity of the wall SCSW2 were compared with a custom squat reinforced shear wall, designed with the same amount of concrete and steel which was used in the corrugated wall, according to ACI seismic provisions. Results showed a flexural and shear capacity improvement of the composite wall and a decrease in the amount of the consumed steel
- Keywords:
- Cyclic Loading ; Corrugated Composite Shear Wall ; Central Concrete Core ; Profiled Steel Sheet ; Shear Interaction ; Steel Crenation
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