- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: English
- Document No: 39259 (52)
- University: Sharif University of Technology, International Campus, Kish Island
- Department: Science and Engineering
- Advisor(s): Jahangir, Amir Hossein
- Abstract:
- Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are tiny devices with limited computation and power supply. For such devices, data transmission is a very energy-consuming operation. Data aggregation eliminates redundancy and minimizes the number of transmissions in order to save energy. This research explores the efficiency of data aggregation by focusing on different aspects of the problem such as energy efficiency, latency and accuracy. To achieve this goal, we first investigate data aggregation efficiency with constraint on delay, which can be compatible with other important system properties such as energy consumption and accuracy. By simulation, we will show that, depending on the application, we can adjust aggregation delay to meet the desired aggregation accuracy. We then will propose a Clustered Distributed Data Aggregation (CDDA) algorithm, which minimizes the total energy dissipated by distributing aggregation among the cluster nodes. Due to the spatial correlation between sensor observations, if the sensor nodes in a cluster have knowledge about their correlations with cluster-head's data, they can code/compress data, to avoid transmission of redundant information. Simulation results show that significant improvement in energy efficiency achieves when data is highly correlated, while for networks with low data correlation LEACH and CDDA have almost the same performance
- Keywords:
- Data Compression ; Wireless Sensor Network ; Accuracy ; Clustering ; Data Aggregation ; Energy Efficiency ; Delay Constraint
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