
Revising the Current Maintenance Plan in a Manuf Acturing Company and Proposing Procedures Through TPM Concepts

Madani Mousavi, Zeaba | 2008

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: English
  3. Document No: 39266 (01)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology; Lulea University of Technology
  5. Department: Industrial Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Mahlooji, Hashem
  7. Abstract:
  8. This study was conducted at one of the leading manufactures of detergents and hygienic products in Iran. It is a common practice there to repair equipments after they have breakdown therefore there is not much preventive maintenance tasks done there in spite of contracting out maintenance and preventive maintenance plans which are distributed every month to technical departments. As today competitive pressures have increased by imported commodities and difficulty in buying new machines, companies should learn how to revive their businesses and exploit equipment efficiently to reduce the high level of capital associated with equipment malfunctions. One of the methodologies applied world wide is TPM which apart from its needed modification to be adjusted to Iranian culture, one should also establish a competence substructure to enhance its success. During this study it was tried to persuade management to recognize the critical role of maintenance. To aid in the fulfillment of this purpose the main emphases is on reviewing the existing system and proposing suggestions consisting of the updated preventive maintenance tasks for machine with the most failures at one of the most critical soap production line so subsequently it was tried to find out the Overall Equipment Effectiveness through direct observation in a span of several days, failure statement and possible causes for short stops were determined and some solutions were presented. The result of this analysis shows that management should ascertain a maintenance strategy which addresses the needs for supporting the values of the organization and this could happen by empowering a division to organize the maintenance needs and develop the communication and corporation area
  9. Keywords:
  10. Maintenance ; Preventive Maintenance ; Total Factor Productivity (TFP) ; Overall Equipment Effectiveness

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