Design and Manufacturing of a Multi Functional Device For Experimental Fatigue Test and Special Facilities for Symmetric and Anti Symmetric Loading on Gears
Armin, Amir | 2009
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 39491 (08)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Mechanical Engineering
- Advisor(s): Durali, Mohammad
- Abstract:
- The goal of this research is design and manufacturing of a device for fatigue test and 3D crack propagation in spur gear roots. Clearly it should be able to test gear in oscillated bending load and control the amplitude and period of loading. Designed setup in this project using a electro hydraulic actuator can do it up to 50 KN and 10 Hz in amplitude and frequency and a PLC controls it during the test time. System can load gears symmetric or anti symmetric and simulate the effect of shaft misalignments, bearing damage and gear production tolerances on the gear loading. System completely designed, built and tested during this project and using experimental data, its performance was certified.
In order to verify its performance, variable samples such as teeth and of soft steel with geometrical defects and teeth made of heat treated steels (quenched and tempered) with structural defects were tested. During the test samples subjected to symmetric and anti symmetric loading. At last fracture surface was surveyed using CMM with high resolution. Investigation of fracture surfaces verifies the truth of system performance and its perfectness for using at gears fatigue studies and verification of theoretical exclusions in this field - Keywords:
- Fatigue ; Spur Gear ; Heat Treatment ; Fracture Surface ; Anti Symmetric Loading
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