Investigation of the Effect of Particulate Emissions From Steel Complex on Adjacent Urban Areas Using Source and Receptor Modeling Approaches
Zeinali, Shervin | 2009
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 39523 (09)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Civil Engineering
- Advisor(s): Torkian, Ayoob
- Abstract:
- Expansion of city boundaries as a result of increased population has reduced the distance from industrial complexes and health effects of industrial air pollution have been intensified. As such, studies are needed to determine appropriate methodologies for quantifying the effect of these industries on the concentration of air pollutants in urban areas. In this study, particulate emissions from a steel mill complex was modeled using ADMS4 and the predicted results were compared with actual measurements made in the adjacent urban area. A receptor model (CMB8.2) was also used to quantify the share of the steel mill on the heavy metals' concentrations in the city by considering other sources such as transportation and cement industries.Results from ADMS4 showed a contribution of 3% for TSP and 6% for PM10 resulting from steel mill complex with a contribution of 29% for heavy metals. Receptor model CMB8.2 indicated the contribution of 43%, 46%, and 11% for steel complexes, cement industry, and motor vehicles, respectively. The difference of 14% between two modeling approaches can be attributed to another steel complex in the area as well as industries with similar profiles. Insufficient sampling, different assumptions, source fluctuations and variations, and meteorological factors can be considered as possible sources of errors in the modeling results of the two approaches.
- Keywords:
- Sources Apportionment ; ADAMS Software ; Air Pollution ; Urban Areas ; Receptor Model Chemical Mass Balance (CMB) ; Foolad Mobarakeh Plant
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