Theoretical and Experimental Study of Selective Withdrawal From Two Layer Fluid With Topographic Effects
Kian, Rozita | 2009
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 39586 (09)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Civil Engineering
- Advisor(s): Jamali, Mirmosaddegh
- Abstract:
- Selective withdrawal is withdrawing water with desired quality from a reservoir and has many applications in water quality management of reservoirs. Topographic effects such as a sill alter the withdrawal layer properties. In this study, the effect of a sill on selective withdrawal of a two-layer fluid through a line sink at the bottom of a rectangular reservoir is studied using two-layer hydraulics theory, numerical model and laboratory experiments. Experiments were done for studying surge, and the results are compared with two-layer hydraulics theory and numerical model. After reservoir gate is opened, some disturbances upstream of sill lead to creation of a surge. The results show this is responsible for establishment of selective withdrawal in reservoir. The amplitude and velocity of the surge, depends on the sill height and Froude number, are studied theoretically and experimentally in this research. Results show that sill height and Froude numbercontrol discharge ratio of two layers. Variation of thicknesses and velocities of the layers with time are studied with theory of two-layer hydraulic and numerical model. A good agreement between the results is obtained.
- Keywords:
- Two-Layer Fluid ; Selective Withdrawal ; Surge (Fluid) ; Ganglion
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