Recovery of Gold Electronic scraps(PCB) By Hydrometallurgical process
Zolfaghari, Sanaz | 2009
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 39915 (07)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Materials Science and Engineering
- Advisor(s): Yozbashizadeh, Hossain
- Abstract:
- Increasing demand for Gold in electronic devices and catalysts, and its high cost, makes it crucial to recover the Gold from waste electronic devices such as Printed Circuit Boards. In this research, recovery of Gold by hydrometallurgical process based on heating the scraps along with a strong oxidizing agent, Potassium Persulphate, which is “eco-friendly” or “green”process is concerned. Recovery of Gold achieved by simple filtration process following by washing with water and nitric acid in order to dissolve impurities such as Al and Sn. The systematical and analytical evaluation method of Taguchi quality engineering has been applied for the leaching to evaluate the optimal experimental conditions, An L16 orthogonal array (OA, 5 Factors 4 level) was employed to evaluate the effect of temperature, time, Persulphate concentration, and pulp density, on extraction percent of Gold. The statistical analysis ANOVA, was employed to determine the relationship between experimental conditions and yield levels. The results showed, in optimum conditions (T=95oC,t=90 min, C=20%(w/v), S/L=100 g/lit) , is possible to recover 56% of Gold from printed circuit boards.
- Keywords:
- Hydrometallurgy ; Electronic Scraps Recovery ; Precious Metals ; Green Technology ; Gold Recovery
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