
The Study of The Behaviour of Steel Structures with Semi-Rigid Connections Subject to Fire

Alanchari, Ehsan | 2010

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 40217 (09)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Civil Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Khonsari, Vahid
  7. Abstract:
  8. Fire is one the events which threatens the very existence of every building, residential, office, industrial or else. However, this threat is more serious with regard to buildings with steel structures. Steel, despite its many advantages over other structural materials, such as having high strength to weight ratio, ductility, toughness and resilience, has the disadvantage of rapidly losing its strength at elevated temperatures, i.e. in fire. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the designer to make the serious decision of whether to use steel, concrete, timber, or other materials for the structure of the building to be designed. Observations made during full-scale fire tests as well as those made after real fires show that structural connections, due to their ability to redistribute the loads, have a crucial role in determining the failure temperature of every structure. In this project, as a first step, the tests carried out by S. Aldina & Simões da Silva (A & S), of the University of Coimbra, on structural frames with endplate connections were numerically modeled using Finite Element Methods. However, once the results of FEA models were so refined to show a good correlation with those of the tests of A & S, through a series of analyses the effects of various involving factors such as the strength of the bolts and the thickness of the endplates on the performance of those connections and frames were studied. As a result, it was revealed that not only the numerical analysis of steel structural frames with the exact modeling of the connections included in the analysis, and a good degree of accuracy, is a viable phenomenon, but at elevated temperatures welded connections have a better performance, compared to bolted ones. Moreover, thin endplates perform better at high temperatures compared with their thick counterparts.
  9. Keywords:
  10. Fire Accident ; Semirigid Connection ; Steel Structures ; High Temperature ; Numerical Modeling ; Finite Element Method

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