
Using Clustering for Routing in Sensor Network

Aliyan, Somayeh | 2009

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 40316 (19)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Computer Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Beigy, Hamid
  7. Abstract:
  8. Wireless sensor networks consist of many small sensor nodes which suffer from some limitations like energy level, band width, processing ability and memory; therefore, decreasing energy consumption, increasing network lifetime and scalability are the main challenges in the area of routing in wireless sensor networks. In the field of routing in sensor networks, many algorithms have been suggested, one group of which is clusterbased hierarchical algorithms. The main goals of such algorithms are reducing energy consumption, distributing consumed energy within whole network and increasing scalability of algorithm. There are some problems in most of cluster-based routing algorithms which cause non-functionality of them. Some of the problems stated above are assuming equal initial energy of the nodes and non-awareness of the algorithm about energy level of the nodes, non-awareness of algorithm about position of the nodes, setup phase overhead and one hop transmission of data from cluster head to base station. In this thesis, we propose a cluster-based routing algorithm, named Multi-hop Hierarchical Routing with Energy and Location aware Static Clustering (MuELSC). This algorithm tries to solve the problems discussed above or reduce their negative effects. The main goal of this algorithm is to construct clusters with suitable physical configuration, energy consumption balance and also multi-hop routing from cluster head to base station. This algorithm is location and energy aware in which the clusters are constructed based on the location information of the nodes and cluster head selection in each round is performed based on energy levels of the nodes. The energy level of the nodes could be different. The simulation results show that using this algorithm in routing, it is possible to achieve longer network lifetime comparing with LEACH, DSC and BCBE algorithms.
  9. Keywords:
  10. Wireless Sensor Network ; Routing ; Clustering ; Energy Consumption ; Network Lifetime

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