Qualitative and Topological Properties of Some Partial Differential Equations
Moameni, Abbas | 2004
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 40608 (02)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Mathematical Sciences
- Advisor(s): Hesaaraki, Mahmoud
- Abstract:
- This thesis is devoted to prove the existance of solution and structure of solu tion for some partial differential equations by using some modern topological and variational thechniques. Taking direction from the literature, this thesis is interested in existence, uniqueness, blow-up in finite time for some evolution equations, multiplicity and radial solution for certain elliptic partial differential equations.-Employing Fibrering, Galerkins, Mountain Pass-Lemma and lions com pactness Lemma are sharp in this thesis to prove the exsistence and multiplicity of solutions and overcome lack of compactness in some cases
- Keywords:
- Finite Time Blow-Up ; Existence ; Uniqueness ; Multiplicity ; Evolution Equation
- محتواي پايان نامه
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