
Measuring Multidimensional Poverty Using Structural Equation Models

Alinia, Parisa | 2010

543 Viewed
  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 40761 (44)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Management and Economics
  6. Advisor(s): Souri, Davood
  7. Abstract:
  8. In order to measure poverty, researchers used to consider only the income and the financial aspect of poverty; however, further research has revealed that income in itself cannot be a proper and comprehensive index for measuring poverty, and other factors such as education, health, occupation, personal characteristics, cultural activities, political activities, etc. are also significant in determining the poverty index. Based on the information acquired from "household expenditure-income survey", this study tries to take into account all the factors affecting the poverty index, in four dimensions of economic well-being, capability, political participation and cultural participation. Poverty indices are estimated for each of the respective dimensions, as well as a "multi-dimensional poverty index", for the years 1383 (2004), 1385 (2006) and 1386 (2007). In doing so, the Structural Equation Modeling has been employed to estimate the poverty index and the effects of poverty dimensions on each other. The results of the study indicate that the poverty index in well-being dimension in urban population in years 1383 and 1385, and capability dimension in year 1386 have the higher level than other dimensions. In rural populatin, in year 1383 poverty index in well-being dimension and in years 1385 and 1386 in capability dimension have the highest level. Poverty index among urban population has increased in well-being dimension and has decreased in cultural dimension in the 1383 to 1386 interval, But it has decreased and then increased in capability dimension. In the rural population, well-being dimension of poverty has the highest level in the 1383 and the lowest level in 1385. ,and in capability dimention the index of poverty has increased in the 1383 to 1386 interval.
  9. Keywords:
  10. Latent Variable ; Constitutive Equations ; Poverty Measurement Index ; Multidimensional Poverty Measurement

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