The Investigation of Effective Parameters on Mechanical Properties of MADI

Amin Shaarbaf, Ali Akbar | 2010

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 40921 (07)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Materials Science and Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Davami, Parviz; Varahram, Naser
  7. Abstract:
  8. The Machinable Austempered Ductile Iron (MADI), a new group of Austempered Ductile Iron (ADI), has been developed to remove the problems (hardness and cost) of ADI cast iron. MADI is a special kind of ductile iron which has proper machinabilty properties. This kind of ductile iron can be produced using a specific chemical composition and defined heat treatment process. By providing these conditions, the hardness of the cast iron will be in the range of as-cast cast iron. On the other hand, because of the especial production process, the cost of the final shape casting will be lower than ADI cast iron. In the present work, firstly the effect of heat treatment parameters, including the time and temperature of austempering, on the final mechanical properties of the MADI has been investigated, and the optimal parameters of the heat treatment process were obtained. Then the fatigue life of the MADI and ADI cast iron was compared with each other, and finally using proper method, the machinability of these two kinds of cast irons has been investigated. A good agreemet was achieved with 0.03 manganese, 2.85 silicon, 0.24 molybdenum, 0.59 cooper and 0.95 nickel (by weight) and subjected to austenitizing heat treatment at 850°c, for 55 minutes and is then fast coolid 390°c and held at this temperature for 60 minutes. Results of these works gave an elongation to break of 8 percent, a hardness of 290 HB, a tensile strength of 827 MPa, yield strength of 695 MPa, fatigue life of the MADI 348 and fatigue life of the ADI 327.

  9. Keywords:
  10. Ductile Cast Iron ; Austempered Ductile Iron (ADI) ; Machinable Austempered Ductile Iron (MADI)

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