Methods of Clearing Reactive Power Market and Cost Allocation in Pool Structure
Kharraty, Saeed | 2010
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 40960 (05)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Electrical Engineering
- Advisor(s): Ehsan, Mehdi
- Abstract:
- Restructuring and privatization in power system such as any industry leads to better market operation and more social welfare. Since two decade the power system in many countries have changed from monopoly to free market. In a restructured network the technical and economical aspects should be considered together. Ancillary services are needed for any power system to be operated in an optimal and secure manner. Reactive power and voltage regulation is one of the most important ancillary services in the network. this service should be supplied by its providers through a competitive market and system operator determines the optimal dispatch among different bids. The cost of purchasing reactive power from suppliers should be paid with the consumers but because of special characteristics of this service, pricing and allocating of that among the system loads is a few complicated. How the system operator chooses among different sources of reactive power to supply the network, has many effects on system performance and security and leads to better competition among the suppliers. If the cost of reactive power paid by a load is proportional to its effect on system costs, it causes them to consume in the optimal manner and also proper investment signals are prepared for investors to recognize the most sensitive parts of the network and make the best investment. In this thesis different methods of clearing the reactive power market and allocation of its production costs among the different loads will be discussed and the simulation results of different methods would be compared
- Keywords:
- Reactive Power Market ; Reactive Power Pricing ; Reactive Power Allocation ; Reactive Power Tracing
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