Biomass Separation in Moving Bed Biofilm Reactors (MBBR) by Natural And Innovative Filters
Ashrafi, Elham | 2010
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 41100 (06)
- University: Sharif University Of Technology
- Department: Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
- Advisor(s): Borgheei, Mahdi
- Abstract:
- The application of membranes for separate of particles in mainly microbial flacs , are fast growing in biological treatment systems. Membrane bioreactors are now considered as one of the major new processes in wastewater treatment. However , membranes are expensive and costly. This study is carried out to test an innovative , locally made filters for separation of flocs in an MBBR reactor. This innovative filter is replacing a traditional settling tank. This type of filters is made very cheaply and has important advantages in installing and operation. Experiments were carried out in a laboratory scale MBBR unit. A filter unit consisting of 3 innovative filter tubes were placed and the results indicated that 99% of solids are separated. Outflow TSS was low than 12 mg/l . Next set of experiments was carried with fewer filter tubes and the results indicated higher value of TSS. The experiments indicated that locally made MBR can easily be applied in existing plants , saving money and operational difficulties .The application of membranes for separate of particles in mainly microbial flacs , are fast growing in biological treatment systems. Membrane bioreactors are now considered as one of the major new processes in wastewater treatment. However , membranes are expensive and costly. This study is carried out to test an innovative , locally made filters for separation of flocs in an MBBR reactor. This innovative filter is replacing a traditional settling tank. This type of filters is made very cheaply and has important advantages in installing and operation. Experiments were carried out in a laboratory scale MBBR unit. A filter unit consisting of 3 innovative filter tubes were placed and the results indicated that 99% of solids are separated. Outflow TSS was low than 12 mg/l . Next set of experiments was carried with fewer filter tubes and the results indicated higher value of TSS. The experiments indicated that locally made MBR can easily be applied in existing plants , saving money and operational difficulties
- Keywords:
- Membrane Bioreactor ; Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR) ; Settling Tank ; Innovative Filters ; Biomass Separation ; Back Wash
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