
Dynamic Security Assessment in Restructured Power Systems

Kheradmandi, Morteza | 2010

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  1. Type of Document: Ph.D. Dissertation
  2. Language: English
  3. Document No: 41107 (05)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology, Gronobel University of Technology
  5. Department: Electrical Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Ehsan, Mahdi
  7. Abstract:
  8. This thesis addresses the problem of dynamic security assessment in power sys-tems with an emphasis on its application in restructured power systems and issues arising in its applications. The new electric utility environment has an immedi-ate consequence of emphasis on reliability and secure operation of power systems. This requires faster and more precise methods to assess the dynamic aspect of se-curity. On the other hand, this issue is becoming challenging when the determined dispatch might not be accommodated due to violation of the limits.This thesis addresses the problem of dynamic security assessment in power sys-tems with an emphasis on its application in restructured power systems and issues arising in its applications. The new electric utility environment has an immedi-ate consequence of emphasis on reliability and secure operation of power systems. This requires faster and more precise methods to assess the dynamic aspect of se-curity. On the other hand, this issue is becoming challenging when the determined dispatch might not be accommodated due to violation of the limits. This thesis proposes using the transient energy function method for power system dynamic security assessment. While proposing a minor modification in the pro-cedure to determine the severely disturbed generators, the successful application of a line search method is presented to calculate the exact controlling unstable equilibrium point. The application of transient energy function method in relieving the transient stability constraint is illustrated in restructured power systems under different market policies. This is accomplished via a supplementary market of bids offered to increase and decrease the output power. Different methods are examined to eq-uitable allocation of the cost incurred to relieve the transient stability constraint among the participants. The incorporation of dynamic security studies in conges-tion management is also investigated in this thesis
  9. Keywords:
  10. Transient Stability ; Cost Allocation ; Power System Restructuring ; Dynamic Security Assessment ; Transient Energy Function ; Unstable Equilibrium Point

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