
Uranium Recovery from Solid Waste of Flourination Reactor of UCF Plant

Rahmati, Akram | 2010

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 41280 (46)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Energy Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Samadfam, Mohammad; Ghaemi, Ahad; Ghasemi, Mohammad Reza
  7. Abstract:
  8. Uranium is one of the most important elements in nuclear fuel cycle. Recovery of uranium from wastes that were generated in varrious prosesses of nuclear fuel cycle, is very important not only because of economical values, but also due to their envirolmental. A considerable amount of solid waste have been produced during the fluorination process of in fluorination fludizedbed reactor at UCF plant in Iran. In this thesis, first, the solid waste of UCF floinatin reactor has been characterized. After characterization of waste, the dissolution of waste by different solvents has been studied and optimom condition for dissolution was determinated. Uranium recovery from the solution was tested by both the ion-exchange resin and liquid-liquid extraction methods. At first, the thermodynamic and kinetic studies have been carried out on the adsorption of uranium (VI) by Amberlite IRA-910 from sulfuric acid with initial uranium concentrate 200-500 ppm. But, because of poor adsorption of uranium by resin, a Liquid Liquid extraction have been examined. Uranium recovery with TOA, TBP, DEHPA, TOPO and synergetic mixed DEHPA+TOPO and TBP+DEHPA from nitric acid solution of 500 ppm uranium have been studied. Effect of temprature, acid concentrate, initial uranium concentrate, extractant concentrate, diluents type, mixing times and organic/aquas phase ratio, have been studied and the condition for uranium uptake of above 97% with each of these organic solvent have been determined. Finally the best stripping agent for extraction of uranium from these organic phase were examined
  9. Keywords:
  10. Liquid-Liquid Extraction ; Fluidized Bed Reactor ; Waste disposal ; Uranium Recovery ; Waste Characterisation

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