
Development of a model for Planning and Management of flood in Multi-Reservoir and Multi-Purpose River Basin (Case Study: Karkheh river basin)

Dashti, Mohioddin | 2010

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 41339 (09)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Civil Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Abrishmachi, Ahmad
  7. Abstract:
  8. The study of flood control operation in large scale multipurpose reservoir systems is deals with various objectives, such as flood damage reduction, hydropower generation and reliability of the system for supplying demands after flood seasons. The introduction of these objectives, introduces a conflict in objective function where tradeoff must be made. The purpose of this study is helping to decision making process in evaluation, planning and operation phases through preparing the Pareto curves that include various optimum alternatives for operation. For this purpose, we develop a multiobjective optimization model, based on use the mixed-integer linear programming. This model considers two types of important objectives in multipurpose systems, flood damage reduction and hydropower generation. Different strategies are developed for obtaining to various targets of the study. At the first, we apply model for evaluation the effect of reservoir system development in flood damage reduction and define superior scenarios for development in reservoir system, then, we use the model for planning of flood control capacity of reservoirs and derivation the optimum operation policy under selected scenarios and various flood events. Also, we use this model for study the role of flood alarm systems on reducing the optimum value of both of flood damages, that be considered.For shows the abilities of the model, we apply this model on Karkheh river basin. Karkheh is second largest watershed of Iran that located in the West of Iran, and is formed by three long rivers, Seymareh, Kashkan and Karkheh. The complex Karkheh reservoir system consists six large and multipurpose reservoirs with total capacity is about 21,000 MCM. For this study a 4-hour time step is used and result is obtained for five flood events with 25, 50, and 100 years, returning periods. These flood hydrographs was obtained from storm studies in Karkheh watershed. Also because deficiency in flood vulnerability studies, we accomplish these studies by floodplain mapping and determine the flood damage-peak flow curves for great number of damage centers. Result of applying the model to Karkheh river basin illustrate that this model is a useful tool for optimization in flood control reservoir systems, and be able to answer the different question about these systems. Innovations in mixed-integer structure of the model causes salient reduce in run times of model and prepare conditions for use this model to real-time operation during real flood events
  9. Keywords:
  10. Reservoir Operation ; Mixed Integer Linear Programming ; Karkheh Dam River Basin ; Flood Management ; Multipurpose Multireservoir

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