Preliminary Analysis of a Thermo Acoustic Heat Pump (THP) In Lab Scale
Khatib, Abolfazl | 2011
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 41549 (45)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Aerospace Engineering
- Advisor(s): Ghorbanian, Kaveh
- Abstract:
- thermoacuostic heat pump (THP) is One of the most important thermoacuostic applications which is used for heat lost recovery in industrial applications and civil applications.In this project, we have a quick review on thermoacuostic theory and researches in this field. Also a thermoacuostic heat pump in a lab scale will be designed and analyzed.For achieving this goal, first, mathematical equations of thermoacuostic systems are reviewed; a thermoacuostic heat pump is designed on the base of Tijani method and final model is validated by DeltaEC software. In the next step, after investigating about laboratory equipments which is used in testing process, we generate test matrix and study about matrix on the base of DeltaEC software. Also the designed model is analyzed numerically by DeltaEC and Ansys CFX software and results are compared. Finally, we do a parametric study research by DeltaEC for study about Temperature gradient and COP changes. Also we have an optimizing study with different gases, pressure and drive ratio.
- Keywords:
- Acoustics ; Thermoelastic ; Design ; Laboratory Bench Mark ; Optimization ; Validation
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