Study of Dispersed Phase Holdup and Slip Velocity in a Pulsed Disc and Doughnut Extraction Column
Jalilvand, Hossein | 2011
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 41566 (46)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Energy Engineering
- Advisor(s): Outukesh, Mohammad; Torab Mostaedi, Meisam
- Abstract:
- Dispersed phase holdup has been measured in a 75 mm diameter pulsed disc and doughnut extraction column for three different liquid-liquid systems. The effects of operational variables such as pulsation intensity and dispersed and continuous phases flow rates on holdup have been investigated and found to be significant. The existence of three different operational regimes, namely mixer-settler, dispersion, and emulsion regimes, was observed when the energy input was changed. The results indicated that the characteristic velocity approach is applicable to this type of extraction column for analysis holdup in transition and emulsion regions. Empirical correlations are derived for prediction of the dispersed phase holdup and slip velocity in terms physical properties of the system and operating variables in different operating regimes. Relative error for correlations has been calculated. Relative error for correlation of predicting for holdup in mixer-settler regime was 8.8% and in transition and emulsion was 9.5%. Relative error for correlation of predicting for slip velocity in mixer-settler regime was 7.8% and in transition and emulsion was 10.13%. Good agreement between prediction and experiments was found for all operating conditions investigated
- Keywords:
- Dispersed Phase Holdup ; Slip Velocity ; Disc and Doughnut Column ; Charactristic Velocity
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