Customer Needs: Finding the Relationship Gaps Between IRAN Digital Print Industrry and Its Individual/Industrial Customers
Ziaee, Mitra | 2011
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: English
- Document No: 41611 (54)
- University: Sharif University of Technology, International Campus, Kish Island
- Department: Science and Engineering
- Advisor(s): Najmi, Manoochehr
- Abstract:
- Customer needs of Iran Print Industry have permanently been a secret for all producers, print centers and even many of the customers themselves. This research tries to find the relationship gaps between Iran Print Industry and its Individual /Industrial Customers, by identifying their needs. This will give recommendations on how manufacturers can increase their customers' satisfaction by providing them with what they need. Also it helps find the customers` satisfaction coefficient of the needs, which is a good guide for Customer Relationship Management in this industry.Therefore, manufacturers can spot these results by providing appropriate machines which can achieve these goals and offer them to their own customers, which are Iran Print Service Centers.Testing the market and gathering data, this research chose BALROX, the Iranian agent of Xerox products customers for being studied as the sample population.All this study efforts follow the aim of Iran Digital Print Industry customer needs decoding and distinguishing the amount of satisfaction based on each need from its customers` viewpoints.
- Keywords:
- Marketing Management ; Customer Needs ; Business Markets ; Kano Model ; Marketing Mix ; Iran Digital Print Industry ; Relationship Marketing
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