
Modern Production Data Analysis of Bottom Water Drive Reservoir

Zardoshti, Mohammad Mehdi | 2011

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 41633 (06)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Masihi, Mohsen; Gerami, Shahab
  7. Abstract:
  8. Hydrocarbon reservoirs may be classified on the basis of their drive mechanisms. In the reservoirs adjoined by water aquifers, waterdrive may be the primary production mechanism. The invasion of reservoir rock by aquifer water may have a significant impact on reservoir performance. Therefore, water influx into hydrocarbon reservoirs must be predicted accurately as a function of time, pressure history at the reservoir/aquifer interface, reservoir/aquifer size ratio, and aquifer characteristics.To forecast the performance in a waterdrive reservoir, an aquifer model simulating the fluid flow in the aquifer and flow from the aquifer into the reservoir is needed. Robust techniques for analysis of production data of volumetric reservoir s have been developed and widely used for many years. These methods range from the traditional Arp’s decline method to modern type-curve matching. The more recent techniques are based on the use of pseudo-time and material balance time to account for variable operating conditions. They use analytical solutions to calculate hydrocarbons-in-place. One such method is called the Flowing Material Balance. This technique yields hydrocarbons-in-place using production rate and flowing pressure data from a reservoir under volumetric depletion. Like all analytical methods, modern decline analysis makes certain simplifying assumptions about the reservoir and production data. Most of the methods mentioned assume single phase, volumetric reservoirs. In this work try to deal with one of these non-volumetric effects, that is water-drive reservoirs, using influence functions. This will be done by introducing an analytical model to predict water influx from bottom water drive (BWD) aquifers and hope to couple it with the governing equation for volumetric reservoir and then it will be used in material balance equation to demonstrate its use in reserve estimate. The results will compare against those of commercial numerical simulator over some range of reservoir parameters.
  9. Keywords:
  10. Analytical Solution ; Bottom Water Derive (BWD)Reservoir ; Flowing Material Balance ; Mathematical Formulation

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